3 Mistakes That Ruin Your Patellar Tendonitis Recovery Time

Author: Martin Koban
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Are you adding months to your patellar tendonitis recovery time by making one these three mistakes? Watch this video to learn more. My free email course will help you get rid of your patellar tendonitis: http://www.fix-knee-pain.com/tendonitis For more information about my book Beating Patellar Tendonitis, go here: http://www.amazon.com/Beating-Patellar-Tendonitis-Treatment-Pain-free/dp/1491049731/ My ultimate guide on curing patellar tendonitis: http://www.fix-knee-pain.com/patellar-tendonitis-jumpers-knee/ Video Citations Cook, J. L.; Purdam, C. R. (2009): Is tendon pathology a continuum? A pathology model to explain the clinical presentation of load-induced tendinopathy. In British Journal of Sports Medicine 43 (6), pp. 409--416. DOI: 10.1136/bjsm.2008.051193. Huisman, E.; Thornton, G.; Roberts, C.; Scott, A. (2013): IDENTIFICATION OF BIOMARKERS FOR EARLY TENDON DEGENERATION USING AN IN-VIVO RABBIT MODEL. In British Journal of Sports Medicine 47 (9), pp. e2. DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2013-092459.57. Kannus, P.; Józsa, L. (1991): Histopathological changes preceding spontaneous rupture of a tendon. A controlled study of 891 patients. In J Bone Joint Surg Am 73 (10), pp. 1507--1525. Kettunen, Jyrki A.; Kvist, Martti; Alanen, Erkki; Kujala, Urho M. (2002): Long-term prognosis for jumper's knee in male athletes. A prospective follow-up study. In Am J Sports Med 30 (5), pp. 689--692. Khan, K. M.; Maffulli, N.; Coleman, B. D.; Cook, J. L.; Taunton, J. E. (1998): Patellar tendinopathy: some aspects of basic science and clinical management. In Br J Sports Med 32 (4), pp. 346--355. Kongsgaard, M.; Kovanen, V.; Aagaard, P.; Doessing, S.; Hansen, P.; Laursen, A. H. et al. (2009): Corticosteroid injections, eccentric decline squat training and heavy slow resistance training in patellar tendinopathy. In Scand J Med Sci Sports 19 (6), pp. 790--802. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0838.2009.00949.x. Rutland, Marsha; O'Connell, Dennis; Brismée, Jean-Michel; Sizer, Phil; Apte, Gail; O'Connell, Janelle (2010): Evidence-supported rehabilitation of patellar tendinopathy. In N Am J Sports Phys Ther 5 (3), pp. 166--178. Visnes, Håvard; Bahr, Roald (2007): The evolution of eccentric training as treatment for patellar tendinopathy (jumper's knee): a critical review of exercise programmes. In Br J Sports Med 41 (4), pp. 217--223. DOI: 10.1136/bjsm.2006.032417. Visnes, Håvard; Hoksrud, Aasne; Cook, Jill; Bahr, Roald (2005): No effect of eccentric training on jumper's knee in volleyball players during the competitive season: a randomized clinical trial. In Clin J Sport Med 15 (4), pp. 227--234. Wilson, John J.; Best, Thomas M. (2005): Common overuse tendon problems: A review and recommendations for treatment. In Am Fam Physician 72 (5), pp. 811--818. Yamamoto, E.; Hayashi, K.; Yamamoto, N. (1999): Mechanical properties of collagen fascicles from stress-shielded patellar tendons in the rabbit. In Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) 14 (6), pp. 418--425. Photo Credit: Calendar https://www.flickr.com/photos/dafnecholet/5374200948 Mileage https://www.flickr.com/photos/johanl/222558612 Court https://www.flickr.com/photos/30356354@N05/9836677393 Weights https://www.flickr.com/photos/midiman/284804050 Video by Martin Koban of Fix-Knee-Pain.com


  1. 2 years
  2. hi sir I also faced patella dislocation 2 months ago now I am able to walk like before but my muscles are not yet strengthened I don't know why can you help me??
  3. Whelp dang it track season is starting and me.............
  4. I had double knee replacement surgery in July 2014 & now I have been diagnosed with patellar tendonitis after originally thinking my implants were loosening. I worked out really hard for 6 weeks & felt worse. After seeing this video, I get it now. I need to lighten up, rest & work with rest periods. Anyone out there with knee replacements AND tendonitis?
  5. I did the first two mistakes 😂
  6. I had jumpers knee for one year and still have it because I keep playing basketball
  7. i've been going through this for about five years. With me being only 23 i neglected the fact that my knee was calling it quits and just imagined that it would go back to normal and it hasnt. im now going to finally give up everything and focus on getting my knee back to good stregth because i cant even squat down without pain now. so that combined with skateboarding is horrible. especailly the day directly after. dont ignore your knees people. and dont stop being active entirely.
  8. I have been dealing with this pain for more than a year, yes it is frustrating
  9. My last physio thought that breaststroke when swimming was reducing and harming the impact of my recovery.
  10. I just started feeling this past 2 weeks. during my squat sessions. I don't like the idea of stopping squatting. I'm going to dial back a bit and do slow eccentric box squats. and focus on making sure all my other muscles are firing. glutes, vmo, hammies, and adductors. and foam rolling and tissue work
  11. how long did it take you to recover
  12. This is bullshit. Make sure you don't have Chondromalacia. Look closely and make sure your knee joint is straight and not out of alignment. Your femur, kneecap, and shin bone should be in a straight line. Make sure you rotate your leg at the hips and not at the knee. Make sure your patellar tendon isn't overly tight. Look up how to roll your muscles to loosen tendons. Loosen your calves, quads, and hips to loosen your IT band and patellar tendon. Improvements should come immediately.
  13. Hi martin. I have got distal biceps tendon problem and doing 5x50 biceps curl with 2 kg everyday. do you think is that routine ok?
  14. its horrible i dont wish this not even on my worst enemy. Been already about a month, i was healing and decided to pick off where i left off and made things worst. still have some slight pains and got back on my bike after a 2 week rest doing very few kilometers. hopefully ill get my knee completely back to full shape. never will i run again.i will continue to my xc mtb like always.
  15. hi I just damage my knee yesterday nd it's pains like carzy nd I really don't know what to do. .....
  16. Thanks for the info. I noticed consistent discomfort in my right knee about a month to two months ago. I am not trying to rehabilitate and fully recover. I do have a question. When rebuilding strength in the patellar tendon, is it OK to experience slight discomfort during rehabilitation exercises or should we avoid any activity that causes any level of discomfort?
  17. I've had patellar tendiopathy for 7 months. Done eccentric decline squats 3x15 twice a day as directed by my physical therapist for 14 weeks. No result other than pain. I've had Dry needling done, graston technique, soft tissue work, and ultrasound therapy. No positive feedback. Been doing straight rest for the last 5 weeks, pain has reduced but not really gone away either. I've completely stopped running and riding. I have nothing else to cut out activity wise. Feeling very hopeless. Do I try and restart eccentrics? Other suggestions?
  18. I had this pain and I went to the doctor, he told me to rest 4 weeks but I didn't, I loved basketball too much. Since then I played everyday and still didn't heal for 2 months
  19. Is it okay to swim while having a patellar tendonitis ?
  20. I have felt this jumpers knee thingy for over 6 years now and I just do squats and stuff to make the pain go away. i do 3 sets of 8 slow squats (the normal one) for 2-3 times in a week and yeah the pain went away but as soon as I hopped in again on playing sports such as basketball,volleyball,and some other sports we do in school the pain came back again. i ate healthy stuff, I ate a balanced diet but still I'm feeling the pain on my knees today. I am a 16yr old Boy and I weigh about 94kg. Sometimes I blame my weight about it but the doctors said that my weight is fine and I just need to rest and ice. Can you please tell me some other ways to heal my jumpers knee or "Patellar Tendonitis" please.