An error has occurred while updating the device software resolved to download mode by Hichika hatim

Author: Hichika Hatim
31861 View
3m 14s Lenght
86 Rating


  1. mutch
  2. very
  3. than you
  4. very useful
  5. Shabbash
  6. thanks
  7. Excelente
  8. My Phone Buttons Do Not Work
  9. hey brother I don't understand your language but my phone works thanks for the video god bless you
  10. thaaaaaaaaaaanks
  11. works for me. thanks
  12. thanks a lot bro
  13. valeu mim salvou... meu j7 não é suportado pelo kies
  14. You're amazing Hichika Hatim! You have restored my faith in youtube humanity!
  15. Thank you!
  16. HI downloading...
    Do not turn off target
    What doing pls ?
  17. I kept you in my team thx a lot
  18. so what did he do? I can't understand a word he said.
  19. Thank you.
  20. Thanks for the help man !