Android App Development for Beginners - 11 - Designing the User Interface

Author: thenewboston
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7m 20s Lenght
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  1. Looking for someone to learn android app development with me. After we learn it we will make millions making apps. :D
  2. Please I want someone to help me to develop Instagram is ..sapry_3010
  3. Thanks to this man! I really like the way he teaches. I slowly grasp the concepts.
  4. hey i am not finding Large, Medium, Small Text in Palette only A single option of TextView which is too small in size. i am using android studio 2.2
  5. Hi everyone actually i have my project i need to do quiz app please anyone suggest me what should i do
  6. for those wondering it seems in android studio 2.0 at it's current version contains another tab called content_main.xml - this is what you will be using to place your text boxes.

    another thing to note is that a button will be added to your blank layout known as a FAB. You can actually delete this in the activity_main.xml

    hope this helps a few of you. You should also delete the corresponding scripts in the .java file referencing the Floating Action Toolbar.

    If there is a way to load up a previous iteration over the current one that might be better for following along with this tutorial.
  7. HI there Bucky! Big Fan here! I'm going for Web/Software Development. This concept is not working for me. It tells me that "ActionBarActivity" is deprecated, and I get a bunch of errors while running the project. What should I do?
  8. I can't seem to find a blank activity at all on the activity tab. I'll just accept that there is no longer anything like that on this newer verion (2.1.2). Less someone else knows how to do it
  9. I cannot drag and drop any widget!! Help plzzz!
  10. Hey bucky , youre spoonfeed here hahaha unlike in the c# youre too fast hahaha ..
  11. Rendering Problems: Couldn't resolve resource @dimen/activity_horizontal_margin (4 similar errors not shown) "@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin" in attribute "paddingLeft" is not a valid format.
    How to solve this issue?
  12. For the people who are seeing this around the time it was posted, you wont be able to drag and drop anything from the Palette to the screen in the activity_main.xml. You have to do it from the content_main.xml file. This is what showed me -
  13. Set speed to 1.25. Thank me later
  14. If you're using Android Studio 2.0 use API 9. If you already started a new project go to build.gradle (Module: app) and change minSdkVersion from 8 to 9, sync (there should be a pop-up asking you to), and use an empty activity. I haven't found any issues yet just using one SDK higher.
  15. does anyone know why I can't drag any of the widgets?
  16. I have android studio 2.0 and there is nothing called as blank activity.I choose empty activity the java stuff is different(much lesser than that seen in video).What should I do??
  17. When I got a tutorial for eclipse while using android studio I became depressed. Taking matters into my own hands you made me less depressed than I am on a day to day basis. Thanks I'm now 0.000000001 percent less miserable.
  18. Thank you for that explanation. Really.
  19. prettyyyy sswwweeeeett!
  20. For people who are seeing this around the time this comment was posted, I used an empty activity. The code was much shorter (only the onCreate) method was on there, and the UI on the phone had a top bar, right under the status bar with the name of the project.