Bacula Backup Server Deployment on Ubuntu 15.04

Author: Gyaan With Anand Nayyar
6589 View
18m 12s Lenght
31 Rating

Step by Step Deployment of Bacula Backup Server on Ubuntu 15.04 Website of Bacula Server: The Steps are as follows: Step 1: Login to Root #su - type the Password Step 2: Update the System #apt-get update Step 3: Deply MySQL Server #apt-get install mysql-server During Installation you would be prompted for Database Password Type the password of your choice Step 4: Install Bacula-Server and Bacula-Client #sudo apt-get install bacula-server bacula-client During Installation, you would be asked to configure Postfix 1. Press Ok on Screen 1 2. Select "Internet Site" on Screen 2 and Click Ok 3. Enter Server Fully Qualified Name (FDQN) Type the Name of your Choice: eg. Ubuntu and click OK 4. Now Select "Yes" to Configure Database for Bacula with dbconfig-common Click "Yes" and Press Enter 5. Enter Mysql Database Password: Enter the same password which you have entered in mysql installation 6. Now Set the Password for Bacula-Director-Mysql to Register with Database Server Type any Password: Now Bacula is Deployed Sucessfully Part-B Creating Backup and Restore Directories Step 1: Create Directories #sudo mkdir -p /mybackup/backup /mybackup/restore Step 2: Set Permissions and Ownerships to Directories #sudo chown -R bacula:bacula /mybackup/ #sudo chmod -R 700 /mybackup/ Part-C Configure Bacula Step 1: Update Bacula Director Configuration #sudo vi /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf Find the following Section: [...] Job { Name = "RestoreFiles" Type = Restore Client=server-fd FileSet="Full Set" Storage = File Pool = Default Messages = Standard Where = /mybackup/restore } [...] Change the where Scroll Down to "List of Files to be backed up" Locate the following: [...] # By default this is defined to point to the Bacula binary # directory to give a reasonable FileSet to backup to # disk storage during initial testing. # File = /home/anand } [...] Change the File to /home/anand Scroll Down to Exclude Section Locate the following Section: [...] # If you backup the root directory, the following two excluded # files can be useful # Exclude { File = /var/lib/bacula File = /nonexistant/path/to/file/archive/dir File = /proc File = /tmp File = /.journal File = /.fsck File = /mybackup } } [...] Change the file in last to /mybackup Save the file and exit Step 2: Update Bacula Storage Daemon Settings: #sudo vi /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf Locate the following section [...] Device { Name = FileStorage Media Type = File Archive Device = /mybackup/backup LabelMedia = yes; # lets Bacula label unlabeled media Random Access = Yes; AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it RemovableMedia = no; AlwaysOpen = no; } [...] Change the Location of Archive Device Exit Step 3: Now check all the configurations by following command #sudo bacula-dir -tc /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf #sudo bacula-sd -tc /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf Step 4: Restart All Bacula Services #sudo systemctl restart bacula-director #sudo systemctl restart bacula-fd #sudo systemctl restart bacula-sd Now Bacula is Configured Part-D Managing Bacula Using Webmin Step 1: Addition of Webmin Repository #sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list Add the following Lines in End deb sarge contrib deb sarge contrib Exit Step 2: Add the GPG Key: #sudo wget #sudo apt-key add jcameron-key.asc #sudo apt-get update Step-3 Install Webmin #apt-get install webmin Step-4 Allow Port-10000 via Firewall to open console #sudo ufw allow 10000 Ipaddress: #ifconfig Step 5: Open Web Browswer http://ip-address:10000 Managing Bacula Go to System Tab on Left and click on Module Configuration Link Select Mysql and enter the password and click Save Enjoy Bacula Backup Server


  1. thanks mate, pretty helpful =)
  2. Thank a lot dude from Colombia.

    It really help me a lot!
  3. thanksss
  4. nice, thanks!!!
  5. Very good video, thank you!
  6. does it work with windows clients?
  7. nice, thanks gan :)