Barnacules Nerdgasm YouTube Star - Interview (Jerry Berg)

Author: Eli the Computer Guy
37968 View
0m 0s Lenght
1493 Rating

In this interview we talk about how Jerry Berg created the Barnacules Nerdgasm YouTube Channel, what it was like working for Microsoft for 15 years, and what his current views of the the world are SPONSORS: Veeam (Free Backup Software): Dev Mountain (Developer Bootcamp): Gillware Data Recovery (Data Recovery Partner Program): Plixer (Netflow Analytics): Schooley Mitchell (Telecom/ Datacom Purchasing): INE (Online IT Training): **** SoundCloud: iTunes: Twitter: ***** Join the ETCG Community and Ask Questions at: Follow Eli's Research at:


  1. is it just me or does Eli look like he's not interested on what this dude has to say? lol - he's like.. oh yeah, yeah, mm yeah. uhu yeah...
  2. I know I'm a bit late to the game here but regarding the Autism thing It seems to me like it's just a fad that ppl feel like they have to make their kids "normal" and pay a fortune for the privilege. Surely by having to go to therapy wouldn't it make the kid feel less normal and isn't it better for that kid to be unique and not like everyone else? Admittedly I don't have any kids (yet) so don't really know first hand but those are my thoughts anyway. Great and interesting vid guys. Greetings from New Zealand. ;)
  3. Nice to listen to. Been following you both for quite some time on YouTube. I work in IT as well. Keep these interviews up. Cheers
  4. What headset you are using in this video? Sounds pretty nice. Is it some of Heil products?
  5. Jerry is totally wrong about Eli's viewers not having ADHD. I'm following these interviews as I poke around looking at projects or gaming. ADHD viewers are awesome and everywhere.
  6. didnt you do a video like 10 years ago about hot swaping a bios chip on a mother board ? or am i thinking of some one else ?
  7. just so eli dont feel left out here is a death treat i kill u not realy but hey now you dont feel left out
  8. cant livestream twitch and youtube both as far as i understood it twitch has a thing saying you wont do other live streams elsewhere
  9. my first pc was a wallmart hp 256 i think it was my second was one i built a 900 mhz amd ever sense then i built ever one i have had sense then
  10. And we want to give a big thanks to UnderArmor for sponsoring us today...
  11. anyone else laughing their asses off at Elis random movements and sounds when Jerry is talking.
  12. $15/hr at Microsoft? I thought they'd be paying like $50-$60/hr.
  13. Huh, These interviews re considerably more informative than i expected.
    No idea how Eli got it done,
    But his Aspergy self manged to get more info out of his guests in 2 hours than most professional TV hosts can manage in a week.
  14. JER BEAR!!!
  15. Homestead Village, look it up. just great thanks j
  16. Oh man, this shit was entertaining as hell.
  17. Great video! Thanks for the upload!