Biolite Stove Review

Author: Red Ferret
107367 View
14m 5s Lenght
310 Rating

A hands-on review with the Biolite Camping Stove showing how easy it is to light, use and recharge phones.


  1. Hello, just wondering if you found the noise produced by the fan irritating at all? Thank you
  2. so do you need it charged up to initially start the fan?
  3. How long does it take to charge you phone?
  4. Is it just me, or does that fire lighter look tasty
  5. prototype looks good 4 legs are more stable then three thats why 3 wheelers were outlawed now we have to learn that lesson again with pot of hot water and cellphone in near proximity or worse human flesh good idea look forward to seeing impoved product
  6. Lástima la mesa que arruinaste, hubieras puesto un ceramico debajo de la estufa.
  7. Is it practical to keep adding wooden sticks for a small amount of water to boil??
  8. boil a pot of water for what
  9. Stoves like these are super simple and cheap to put together yourself, minus the usb thing I guess...
  10. Half fill with wood pellet cat litter, light from the 45 minutes unattended burn time....bloody awesome stove ! I bought 2 :)
  11. I don't like how you always have to lift the pot each time you feed it with wood.  I think I'd settle for an Emberlit or Core 4 box stoves.  Those are much more compact, practical and very easy to use.  Heck, I think I'd keep my jetboil sol over this uber stove.       
  12. gimmicky
  13. I think you burned your table, oups.
  14. when the train went past at 3:20 I thought you were being invaded lol.
  15. Cool idea but the fan noise completely makes me not want one.
  16. Have you ever been charged a phone and it took how long?
  17. Hey Steve, let us know when you actually make one of your own and show us how it is a better design/etc.... make sure you incorporate the fan system that causes efficient fuel to burn ration as well as the ability to charge items... I love when individuals spout out from the couch but seldom actually show their work... will not be holding my breath of course while I and others wait for your high tech stove to be completed... :) wanker
  18. does anyone else realize this is basically a mini forge?
  19. Biolite CampStove = $130 £100 = $165 What fools... they are ripping themselves off by selling it so cheap!
  20. I could take this on the bike. Make my coffee.