Carbon Copy Cloner (CCC) Mac Backup Software Review (2015)

Author: HairyBeastProductions
4401 View
6m 1s Lenght
34 Rating

This is a review of Bombich Carbon Copy Cloner backup software for Mac. This review features a live test of the cloning software and shows how simple and easy it is to use. Could this be the best backup software ever??? We think so.


  1. Really thorough guide to CCC, Many thanks and I can recommend CCC as a backup tool, it got me out of trouble very quickly when the HD crashed on my iMac
  2. big suggestion, remove that background music, I can't hear you!!!!
  3. I liked the video and felt it was very educational. I also felt that the your voice/presentation was pleasant and the background music did not bother me at all. I agree with the other commenter; i.e. background music can really annoy me to no end. But it did not this time. You have the volume low. thanks.
  4. This might be an excellent review of this software by HairyBeastProductions, but I don't as I stopped the video after 30-seconds because of the intrusive background music. For me, I prefer reviews without any background distractions.