Civil Forfeiture: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Author: LastWeekTonight
9525947 View
16m 30s Lenght
75813 Rating

Did you know police can just take your stuff if they suspect it's involved in a crime? They can! It’s a shady process called “civil asset forfeiture,” and it would make for a weird episode of Law and Order. See? Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens: Find Last Week Tonight on Facebook like your mom would: Follow us on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news: Visit our official site for all that other stuff at once: For more on civil forfeiture, click here:


  1. Fuck the D.E.A
  2. Civil Forfeiture: Your stuff is guilty until proven innocent. Citizens United: Corporations are people that have rights equal to that of an individual. They make up the laws as they go along to suit their own purposes, yet people will lecture you about law and order and upholding the legal system. It's all been corrupted.
  3. fuck the police all around the world.
  4. Cops are in fact ASSHoles.
  5. shark fins are so bad... it's so sad for the sharks. It's because police are respected and payed so so little, also I think. Tell me if I am wrong.
  6. This can't be a real thing....WTF!

    OmG....just saw the date...😂
  7. must ask bout a margarita machine at work from the petty cash#im really glad to be living in Ireland not America
  8. not to be insensitive, but I would start a civil war if I was a citizen of the USA. first Trump with his pathetic small hands an then the people in power gets to say, joink your things is now my things. its a fu(ked up country.
  9. I think the cop actually said "¿Tiene mucho mucho dinero en su truck y trailer?", which, aside from the incorrect conjugation, repetition of "mucho" and mixing of English, sounds like it could actually be Spanish. I have extremely limited knowledge of the language, though.
  10. they do it to poor people lower middle class cause they know no one cares about them
  11. I don't usually agree with John Oliver but I respect him a lot for using his platform to bring awareness to this.
  12. that is the saddest attempt at speaking spanish that ive ever seen
  13. Does the gun the NRA promoting will help you protect your property n dignity from corrupt cop n law.
  14. damn,US cop are freaking corrupt n the USA got the gall calling other country corrupt,haha.
  15. ACAB-FTP. The only good cop is a dead one.
  16. I mean ACTUAL Facsism in the USA. You couldn't make it up
  17. I love and hate watching this! But I'm addicted!!
  19. love johns work
  20. land of the free, right? americans need to SERIOUSLY reconsider their views on their own country... cause it's all in their minds xD