Author: Philly Blunt
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Download Link: (Wait for page to load, click green "download" button) -FACT CHECKER SHEET WITH SOURCES: Clinton Cash, is a feature documentary based on the Peter Schweizer book that the New York Times hailed as “The most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle.” Clinton Cash investigates how Bill and Hillary Clinton went from being “dead broke” after leaving the White House to amassing a net worth of over $150 million, with over $2 billion in donations to their foundation. This wealth was accumulated during Mrs. Clinton’s tenure as US Secretary of State through lucrative speaking fees and contracts paid for by foreign companies and Clinton Foundation donors. *Link to buy the book that inspired the movie*:


  1. Clintons should be in jail.
  2. I'm 37 minutes into this and I want to vomit. Not because the documentary isn't well done...the content. Wow. The United States dodged a YUGE bullet last November.
  3. Hillary said, "If Trump gets elected were all going to hang", I ask WHEN !!!!!
  4. it is in the zillions not billions..
  5. slick willy clinton ... rip JoanVeon.
  6. There is no proof of these tings happening. Look at who the producers and money behind this garbage. All the people behind trump. Give me a break, I didn't just fall off the turnip truck. I am no fan if Clinton but this is garbage.
  7. He's a fine one to talk about fleeting victory at other people's expense. It's his special expertise. His wife's as well..Ironically they are both puppets of George Soros and their own lust for power and money.
  8. Pedro Davidson sucks large balls.
  9. Thieves financing movies about other thieves. All of them steal from us.
  10. The Clintons are the worst of the worst. There is no end to their conniving, manipulative, and deceptive ways! How does this shit go unanswered?! 10% to the actual charity??!! Pay for play??!!!! Corruption by public "service" officials should be punishable by public execution and made dog food.
  11. in time u will find that trump is no less crooked than hillary
    a bigger liar than lying ted
    he just has no experience in politics so there is noting to look back on and criticize
    but the clintons are not the first to do this and not the ONLY ones to do this most evil sounds like a bit much
  12. This wildly biased.  It just makes innuendos and few facts.
  13. And the3 Clintons criminals are still free...
  14. Hillary and Bill took the MONEY and the movie "INDECENT PROPOSAL"  Hillary did a "Demi Moore" and rolled all over the money spread out all over the bed.   She was spread eagle when Bill entered room to view her closer
  15. This is exactly why I couldn't vote them.
  16. thank God thank God thank God for President Trump
  17. This planet is plagued by the USA: United Stupids of America.
  18. LOL this is not an "official" anything. Maybe the "Official Russian-backed propaganda" movie. Hillary did nothing wrong. But Trump chumps drank all the kool aid & voted in a Putin Puppet and his hideous fascist pals so they can help the world's elite get richer and everyone else get poorer. SO stupid and so easily fooled.
  19. So the Clinton's go to Columbia.....ex-president and Sec. of State act like it's a "happy accident" that they are both there on the same day (because they're not really "married"). It all results in a Petro Company (Canadian) being able to cut down Trees in the Rain Forest for lumber that will be exported to China! got that? starts around 37 minutes.