
Close Encounter - SNL

Author: Saturday Night Live
21261955 View
5m 47s Lenght
117810 Rating

Three people (Kate McKinnon, Cecily Strong, Ryan Gosling) share very different stories about their alien abduction. Subscribe to the SNL channel for more clips: http://goo.gl/24RRTv Download the SNL App for free: http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/app For more SNL 40th Anniversary Special: http://goo.gl/gLyPTc Get more SNL on Hulu Plus: http://www.hulu.com/saturday-night-live Get more SNL: http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live Full Episodes: http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video Like SNL: https://www.facebook.com/snl Follow SNL: https://twitter.com/nbcsnl SNL Tumblr: http://nbcsnl.tumblr.com/ SNL Instagram: http://instagram.com/nbcsnl SNL Google+: https://plus.google.com/+SaturdayNightLive/ SNL Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/nbcsnl/


  1. Not only guest/host Ryan Gosling trying not to crack up, but Melissa McCarthy visibly trying to hold it in! Pure gold.
  2. "Look, it wasn't my worst Wednesday night" .... hahaha ..... classic!!
  3. Kate McKinnon is by far my favorite snl cast member. She makes any skit hilarious.XD
  4. Kate's the only funny one left.
  5. WOW! This video has SO many views! 😲
  6. Fucking awesome skit!!!!!
  7. will you all just Shut up about KATE!!! freaks!!!!
  8. Do another one...
    OMG too funny "slap-a-knocker"
  9. this is the first non sexual video that I have ejaculated to.
  10. Why did i not find this sketch funny?
  11. roflmao!!! oh this is gonna be a fast favorite of mine. Kate was great in this.
  12. Kate McKinnon is a freaking legend
  13. -Perhaps they were collecting biolocigal data?
    -Noope. :DDD
  14. Ryan G., should have been nominated for an Oscar for THIS performance. At 4:07, watching his authenticity is amazing!!! Kate M. is the best!!πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  15. Kate McKinnon's character seems like the aunt who is never invited to family reunions but somehow always ends up there anyways....
  16. I feel its worth reminding everyone that Ryan Gosling is a professional, trained actor, and Kate reduced him to a giggling fit in about two minutes.
  17. The episode that Ryan hosted was just so good. Close Encounter, Birthday Party, Santa Baby. This was a great episode for SNL.
  18. Alien presence in the world is very real and so are abductions. This needs to become publicly accepted and known.
    These kinds of shows, making fun of these most serious issues proves how humanity is ignorant to todays reality.

    ET presence has been established here for many years. They are here not to help humanity in any way. Do not think they are friendly. They are manipulating individuals in position of power to gain influence and dominance here. Our planet is very valuable to them for its rich bilogical diversity and resouces. This manipulation in the mental environment is very effective as humanity is only just becoming aware of the mental environment and in so is still very weak and vulnarable to manipulation.

    The public needs to become aware of this reality. It is not sci fi, or something to make fun of. Our planet and the future of our race are at risk here. If you have an open mind, you will know this to be true.
  19. "It felt super off the books". So funny! Tremendous writing! Precision delivery! Kate is such an epic talent!!