Author: Helpful Video Channel
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Svp Like & share Je suis Mister Ghalilo , Sur Helpful Video Channel ★FaceBook : ★APP Mobile : ★Google Chrome Pluggin : Ce tuto Génial vous permet d'utiliser les waves pour connecter et se déconnecter de tous vos sites préférés , FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM , GOOGLE, Etc sans aucun mot de passe . pas besoin de retenir aucun mot passe , c'est fiable c'est securisé et plus cool ( on dirait 007 ^^ ) EN : Waltz makes it easier and safer to browse the web. Waltz lets you use Clef ( to log in and out of all of your favorite sites without a password. There's nothing for you to remember or type, and Waltz lets you log in (and out) everywhere at once. Forget your passwords, Clef is two-factor authentication from the future.Walk up to any computer in the world, hold up your phone, and Clef instantly logs you in. Modern cryptography in your pocket replaces the 6 characters in your head; forgotten passwords become a thing of the past. Clef works with Waltz ( or any WordPress site — download our WordPress plugin and EN speach : hello everyone, I'm Mister Ghalilo welcome on helpfull video channel Today I will share you a new way to connect to all your facebook , twitter, intagrame account or any platform without having to enter the password each time: it's very useful if Password forgotten or if you have multiple accounts and especially for security against piracy . this method which is based on the techenique of wave analysis, that is what we will see. so, we will need to install this plunging on google chrome, you'll find the link to the video description. after intregration it you'll see on the Google bar a small circle . at this point just make a click on it. and then the frequencies will be posted. at this time on your mobile you start the Clef aaplictaion for performing the recognition. and you will be logged automatically (during the first connection you have to Register your code and email address. Another important detail, clef have another functionality, As exemple , as you can see it enregitre all accounts you used and then you can remotely schudlle the duration of the connection, as well you can disconnected your account.. is very useful in case you forgot your connection open somewehre. So before we finish lets make a last test of connection. hope that you enjoyed this video, if you have any questions feel free to send me a comment . if you like my work dont forget to like, sahre and subscribe .See you soon TAGs: installer clef app how to login to instagram without password how to login to facebook without password login twitter sans mot de passe how to login to twitter without password facebook sans mot de passe forgot twitter passeword forgot facebook passeword forgot google passeword forgot instagram passeword


  1. je peux pas trouver waltez ???
  2. salut pourrais tu me récupérer le mots de passe sur instagram le compte c est : lealopez.fannn c est super urgent merci
  3. salut, super vidéo ! J'ai un vieux compte qui avait le thème poupées etc (mdrr😂) et j'ai perdu le mdp... Vu que ça me fait un peu honte ce compte je voudrais bien le repreprendre pour en faire autre chose...🤗 Es qu tu pourrais me faire cette tecnique étant donné que je ne peux pas le faire 😊 Merci si tu peux
  4. bonne continuation ; )