Data Recovery and Its Role in Computer Forensics

Author: Mike Wilkinson
3071 View
0m 0s Lenght
13 Rating

This is my favourite presentation so far. Kevin runs a data recovery business and takes us inside his home lab to show how things are really done. Along with giving a review of the different recovery software, a look inside the best home office I have ever seen (I made my wife watch so she can get some ideas of what a real home office should look like) he also walks through the data recovery process. There is so much misinformation about this out there it is great to get the real facts. Data recovery (the repairing of hard drives, not getting files from a forensic image), is a mostly misunderstood science. This presentation will go through the various types of recovery available, as well as what you can do yourself and what you can't. We will discuss the various things that can go wrong, how to diagnose them, and we will be dispelling myths surrounding data recovery, including the often talked about 'just put it in the freezer' technique. We will be explaining the OS of the hard drives themselves, breaking TPM or hard drive lock passwords, P Lists, G Lists, (think you really wiped everything on that drive?) as well as the differences between the small computer shops that advertise data recovery, and the real science of data recovery in a clean room lab environment. Kevin's company: DFIROnline is a monthly online meeting of digital forensic and incident response professionals. The purpose of these meetups is to enable information sharing among the DFIR community. These session are open to anyone, and occur on the third Thursday of every month at 2000 US eastern time. If you would like to get involved and present something please email If you would like to recieve emails about the schedule and upcoming events you can subscribe to the DFIROnline mailing list The list is only used for announcements and reminders and should not generate more than a few emails a month. The schedule of upcoming events is at:


  1. Could you answer a few questions about me for computer forensics?
  2. Hello,
    Capella University is seeking permission to make the following material available electronically to learners in an online course. Access to these materials would be restricted by password to registered learners only. We would like to link your YouTube video Data Recovery and Its Role in Computer Forensics retrieved from: Data Recovery and Its Role in Computer Forensics  
    The information would be listed as a resource in a course titled Digital Forensic Processes - IAS5110.  Please consider granting permission for Capella's use of this material, as described above.
    If you need additional information or if this inquiry should be directed to a different contact, please let me know.

    Thank you
    Dr. David Teneyuca, CISSP
  3. got to learn many things thanks to Mike Wilkinson
  4. Very nice presentation
  5. I think this was the longest video I've ever watched from start to finish on Youtube. Great video, great information, very interesting. Thank you!
  6. Wow - what a great presentation!!