Dead Hard Drive? Lost Data? Try the Freezer Method! Linus Tech Tips

Author: LinusTechTips
380731 View
6m 10s Lenght
3385 Rating

Sometimes you can resurrect a dead hard drive just long enough to pull off your precious data before RMAing it back to the manufacturer. In this case it didn't work, but it's always worth a try.


  1. You should have taken it out of the enclosure. It could have been the USB interface.
  2. Hoh tf was he holding that camera...
  3. for the love of Lord Gaben oil that door!!
  4. linus i am watching this in 2017
    .... lol u r amazing now
  5. Ye Olde linus tech tips indeed!
  6. But can the freezer run crysis
  7. Please my external hard drive collapse immediately I open it......but i copy files into it....but can't access them.....please help...thanksIt does not do at in other pcs
  8. Why the fuck would you make me waste 6 minutes of my life watching a failed "experiment", u idiot ???
  9. animal abuse
  10. For a brief moment, you filled me with laughter on otherwise awful day of realizing my hard drive is dead. Thanks for that!
  11. I wonder if taking the cover off and helping it start spinning would have worked. I've run hard drives without covers before and you have access to the data for quite a long time before dust and impurities mess with it. :)
  12. Just because an experiment has negative results, doesn't mean it wasn't worth doing.
  13. U live in Canada? If so, that's awwwwwesome
  14. If the volume is showing at the full size, you can run data recovery software on it.
  15. I'm reading the comments and I just hear "My cat is in the garbage"
  16. omg put it with the peas what was he expecting it to turn into a wd green drive 😉
  17. Don't watch. Waste of time.
  18. Would like to see if this works in 2017.
  19. Cool cat, but not cool video! :-)