Debt Buyers: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Author: LastWeekTonight
8508392 View
20m 51s Lenght
125102 Rating

Companies that purchase debt cheaply then collect it aggressively are shockingly easy to start. We can prove it! Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens: Find Last Week Tonight on Facebook like your mom would: Follow us on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news: Visit our official site for all that other stuff at once:


  1. I almost feel bad for HBO having to pay for all of his shenanigans...
    "You want to buy WHAT this time!?"
    "Just the medical debt for 9,000 Texans, I can explain..."
  2. I love this man. Go John.
  3. What is the statute on debt?
  4. john oliver is so knowledgeable
  5. Holiy carp awsome give away but did HBO Get that money by hard work and no slicy trickory?
  6. This was freaking amazing!!!
  7. This man literally just saved 9,000 families from getting their lives ruined. Mad respect for this man; I can only hope I can be half as good as he is someday.
  8. This is going on since 2003
  9. To Those 2,465 people who didnt like this video. FUCK YOU ....
  10. this is the coolest thing anyone has ever done
  11. Who ever buys your debt, they own it not you as they have bought your debt so they pay not you.

    There's several hilarious things wrong with that statement lol.
  13. PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP ME WITH THE REASONING? if you hold 100 $ worth of debt but sell it off at 80$ you make a 20 dollar loss, but dont risk losing the whole 100, is that the whole point of selling debt in the first place?
    in that case, why do people then continually keep buying it and selling it off at a cheaper rate? As in, why would someone hold 15mio $ worth of debt and sell it only for 60k?? is it always because of a miscalculated gamble that the debt was going to be paid back?
  14. FUCK YOU OPRAH!!!!!!
    You have voiced my every emotion towards that woman John. Thank you.
  15. Man I certainly hope John doesn't pursue a career in politics. Even though he would be the most brutally honest politician (and honest politician) I have a feeling it would make him into everything he speaks out about every week.
  16. I owe about 600 in credit card debit.

    About 700 in medical debt.

    I'd love to pay it, and I'm more than capable, but I don't even know who owns it at this point.
  17. Why does this video have dislikes? Do debtors watch youtube?
  18. John Oliver is the coolest person I've ever seen!!! Talk about putting your money where your mouth is!
  19. Everyone is a victim in John's world. Maybe people who pile up debt should pay it back?
    Oh wait, it 'disproportionately affects minority'.

    How do people take this clown seriously?