Dummies Linux: How To Recover Virus Infected Computer Files

Author: tostoday
1282 View
6m 29s Lenght
15 Rating

A nice bonus from a dual booting computer. http://totalostoday.blogspot.com/ http://www.toscastspodcasts.blogspot.com/


  1. The Live CD or USB stick is a great way for those who don't want to dual boot and also for techs who need to repair Windows without having to install additional operating systems. But I do agree with TOSToday in the dual booting and I have Zorin and Windows 7 on my desktop. Once Linux is able to run Windows programs without a hitch, or they're made for Linux, Windows will disappear from all of my computers
  2. Yup. In fact, paste this into the terminal: telnet miku.acm.uiuc.edu
  3. True, I just showed one way since I dual boot everything.
  4. I also use MSE.
  5. In addition to what you said about windows security. You can keep your pc fast and clean from viruses and spyware without having to pay for anything. All you have to do is not use your admin account on everyday stuff. Create a new user account and give it max security. Password protect them both. Now make sure your firewall is enabled and set to max. Make rules for the stuff you use. Install microsoft security essentials to get rid of all the nasties, install ccleaner, and run them once a week.
  6. Or if you don't want to use linux or waste space on your pc because you use it for games and large files, you can always use a linux live cd. This is a great recovery too no matter what operating system you have. Your method works vise versa. If your linux gets buggy or whatever, it will take you less time to rescue your files from windows than booting into the live cd. You can't access an ext partition out of the box, but there are 100s of free software out there that will allow you to do that.
  7. or forgetting to install protection
  8. I say Dummies with all respect to new users :)
  9. is that the thing that people get when they download too much porn?
  10. LOL at the name Dummies LInux awesome video though, helps me fix client's computers!
  11. A rare Windows thing...
  12. What's a virus?