Export your app from Android Studio

Author: Project TOYO
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2m 4s Lenght
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http://android-coffee.com/export-your-app-from-android-studio/ Tutorial about exporting (generating signed APK) your application from Android Studio for installing on mobile devices. Developer Android Training


  1. WAT? I have to do that every time I need to test the app? The matter is the android simulator on Android studio won't work coz it says my CPU doesn't support it.
  2. thank u!!
  3. when i run my apk on my phone it says parsing error. how to isntall my app on android?
    or i need to upload it somewhere like google play and they will make installation package?? can someone tell me how does this work?
  4. apk isn't launching :( help me
  5. life saver
  6. its working thanks.
  7. thanks
  8. thanks you made my work easy
  9. pls help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.................I generated the signed apk and then opened it with notepad and then with WinRAR and now I am not able to get it back like it was earlier by default when created and when I generate any of the apk it opens with notepad.....................plssssss help
  10. how do I know the Alias
  11. can we check dis apk file in mobile
  12. You saved me .. i was struggling
  13. i created the .apk file but i cannot copy it to my phone !!!!
    How to do that can you please tell me Project TOYO
  14. Hello guys,

    I have just launched my new application which will be helpful for people who are loosing hours to find proper gift for their loved ones, so i gather at one place gifts from some internet shopping stores and list is updating always.

    I would like to hear everyone's opinion and if you have any suggestions about the application or objection, let me know.

  15. In Build i haven't button "create apk" ot same
  16. Thanks
  17. Thanks! :D
  18. Checkout my First App on Play Store. I made it at the age of 12. bit.ly/color-world
  19. thank you! easy to undestand and quick
  20. THANK fast excelent