Fix Ubuntu "Passwd: Authentication token manipulation error"

Author: Matt Fuller
22946 View
2m 35s Lenght
198 Rating

When resetting the Ubuntu password through recovery mode, you may run into an error "Passwd: Authentication token manipulation error." This occurs because the filesystem is not mounted as read/write. Here's how to fix it.


  1. Thank you very much for that.
  2. the only trick here is one should take care of how he/she types the command mount -o remount,rw /
  3. thank you soo much this thing has surely worked because since morning i was trying to reset my ubuntu password and surely thumbs up u guyz
  4. had the same problem, with ftp account
    So this worked for me
    Org - "name":x:1032:33:-------this was empty------:/"dir" (dont mind the dir info)
    Changed "name":x:1032:33:insert same name here:/"dir"

    for some reason he didnt want to change passwd when there was :: and not :name:
    so there was no need for remount stuff at all!
  5. jus to be clear it
    mount -o remount,rw /
    so thats remount(comma)rw

    thanks for this mate :)
  6. didn't work it said user 'ubuntu' does not exist
  7. You are DA Man!!!! No one else could help me with this problem. I followed your advice and fixed the problem the first time I tried!!!!!!!
  8. You are the best
  9. Awesome thanks, did it
  10. i love you, too!!! Thanks!!
  11. Saved me. Thank you so much.
  12. Dude you just saved me! thanks
  13. Thank You! :)
  14. hy i did just as you and when i entered the remount text and it took me to man 8 mount system administration
  15. Thanks a lot!!!
  16. give this guy a medal
  17. life saver!
  18. Great video. Thank you!!
  19. Thank you so much!
  20. thank you, you are awesome. I was getting an error but i noticed i was using a period instead of a comma. just in case anyone else is having the same problem as me, Again thank you