Full and Free Cerber Ransomware Removal

Author: Anti-Spyware 101
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http://www.anti-spyware-101.com/remove-cerber-ransomware Cerber Ransomware is one dangerous infection that you have to remove immediately. Our malware researchers have discovered that it is distributed to cybercriminals via a secret Russian forum inaccessible to the rest of the Internet community. In other words, this malware is a Ransomware as a Service-type of infection. So anyone can get a hold of it with the appropriate connections. At any rate, your computer can become infected with it if you open a fake email that contains a self-extracting archive that drops this ransomware’s files. However, it might also come in a fake Java update or pirated material. If your computer becomes infected with it, then its files will be dropped in %AppData%\{RANDOM CLSID}. Once on your PC, Cerber Ransomware will encrypt various file formats such as .xlm, .xlm, .mp3, .mpg, .ptx, and many others. It can encrypt a total of 380 file formats. It will place DECRYPT MY FILES.html, DECRYPT MY FILES.txt, and DECRYPT MY FILES.vbs on your desktop and in every folder where a file was encrypted and demand that you pay a ransom of 1.24 Bitcoins ($500 USD.) Furthermore, it uses the AES-256 cipher to encrypt the files and the RSA-576 cipher to encrypt the encryption key. So decrypting them using third-party software is impossible. However, we do not recommend that you pay the ransom because you might not receive the decryption key. Therefore, we recommend that you use our free and full removal guide for Cerber Ransomware found in this video. Related searches: how to erase Cerber Ransomware, How do I delete Cerber Ransomware, Cerber Ransomware removal, eradicate Cerber Ransomware, uninstall Cerber Ransomware, get rid of Cerber Ransomware


  1. Music Name?
  2. If I format my pc it will definitely delete?
  3. at least bloody speak in your videos welcome to 2016 guys
  4. Can i ask you something?
  5. I do not see those files in Registry or a RunOnce folder? But I am infected?
  7. I just had this happen to me today. I am super pissed off too.
  8. i dont have that registry value at 1.17 .. what should i do?
  9. Using Google transIator Portuguese to English.

    I need help, I got DecrCERBER.

    I dont understand english.

    Everything is english.

    I lost Job Documents - my clients are go to police because i dont have files of work to give to they anymore.

    Now, two polices to my home to give me papers tio see judges - court.

    My Dad died last week - cancer decease, I lost all photos and pictures with him and all documents - saying he is dead. I can not say he is dead to the law and confirmation of he is dead today, tomorrow, yesterday, etc....

    Is it Virus?

    I dont know what to do anymore. I dont know what is it but the name is CERBER.

    Nobody understand me because I dont know what is it. They just say to delete everything.

    I cant delete everything !!! I dont know to expalin this thing on Computer

    I am a man 38 years old. But I am very sad (cried too) because I lost all my photos with my Dad. I lost all my clients jobs. The police is saying I am maybe going to jail. My laywer too...

    I need help PLEASE . This is my last chance to try to look for my files.

    I can t find explanations in Portuguese - my native language - to it is virus or not.

    What can I do????

    -------- xxxxxxxxx ---------

    looking now to other youtube video to found in portuguese
    Thank you
    Looking to search CERBER in Portuguese in Google...
    Thank you if anybody send me answer to do step by step..
  10. and then ur files are locked foreever