Glass Explosion at 343,000FPS! - The Slow Mo Guys

Author: The Slow Mo Guys
8212064 View
9m 35s Lenght
171406 Rating

Gav and Dan film their slowest video yet. It's so slow, it's almost like looking at an entirely different plane of existence. DO NOT TRY AT HOME. Subscribe to the 2nd channel! - Follow Gav on Twitter - Follow Dan on Twitter - Thanks to Destin from Smarter Every Day for use of the v2511 - Watch our favourite videos! - Buy Shirts here! Glass explosion at 343,000FPS! - The Slow Mo Guys Filmed between 28000 and 343000fps with the Phantom v2511


  1. On 2:16 slow down the YouTube video by 0.2 and see the magic.
  2. 5:41 ... you'll thank me later
  3. why is it getting darker and darker as you increased the fps??
  4. He has a hello kitty band aid on.
  5. Dan seems like the guy who says "twat" every other second
  6. Watching this stoned would be mesmerising
  7. I am a shatter heart.
  8. Gavin called it. The crack happens 10 hours into the 19 hours of footage.
  9. 2:35 how come he's suddenly got a different glove on?
  10. I wonder how fast quick silver was going in x men apocalypse.
  11. Most satisfying video in the world........ Who agrees?????
  12. I cud go even further by descreasing utube speed though :P :D
  13. can i steal 100 fps from u? im gaming on 10 fps everything on low and u just have 343000 fps
  14. Have these guys done the Rupert's drop?
  15. Warning Labels?? F**k its boring to follow the warning label but better do that so it will become more AWESOME XD
  16. You guys are insane!!!
  17. To much talk..
  18. I bought it said gas explosion why don't you do that
  19. .5 speed anyone?
  20. Ahh 2016... when 343,000 FPS was a big deal...