How to add/delete an account on android google play store UPDATED 2015

Author: TECHno page
187610 View
2m 38s Lenght
466 Rating

hope this video helped you! for android Samsung newest phones. 2015 How to DELETE a google play store account:


  1. you are fucking retarded
  2. Should you have the desire totally free GoogleCardStore look at this location never view:
  3. Indians piss me off WHO THE FUCK WOULDN'T KNOW THIS 😂
  4. kid
  5. Hope it's helps
  6. wtf is this
  7. tks
  8. fuck this it aint helpful
  9. You saved my life!
  10. If you have 2 google accounts is the other notified when you get an app from the playstore? My sister is constantly blowing up my e-mail. So I made her a google account. Will that stop sending me e-mails?
  11. What is your font?
  12. lol
  13. great help thanks
  14. i only came here to delete a gmail... :,
  15. was sup
  16. was sup
  17. how to add friends on games like bombsquad and all those
  18. Thanks Man U beast
  19. he is a ashain
  20. I hacked a game and when I entered the game I went to where I buy game cash it told me 0$ when I tapped on it it says card was declined or low connection when I checked our wifi it was ok then I went to play store and went to my account I saw that the payment method was not filled I want to ask my mum to fill it bit she said no now I can never make in app purchases pls help me