How To: Crack a Password-Protected Zip File

Author: Chris Haralson
308709 View
2m 30s Lenght
577 Rating

In this tutorial, I am going to teach you how to crack a password-protected zip file. This is a very simple hack, and requires virtually no hacking skills. To crack the zip file password, we are going to perform a brute force attack with BackTrack 5 (download link below). fcrackzip Usage: -l (#-#): specify the minimum and maximum length of passwords to check -b : use brute force to crack the password -c (charset): specify the character set to use -u : unzip / filter incorrect passwords BackTrack 5 Download: Note: It is illegal to crack any password-protected zip file that you do not own. I recommend creating your own password-protected zip file to practice with. The information presented in this tutorial is for educational purposes only.


  1. PS..your fucking link is dead...
  2. These fucking Lab rats make me SICK!!!!! Grow the fuck up and admit that you don't know shit either..DAM!!!!
  3. Thank you for this...I can now show the finger to any fuckass movie pirater who locks it with a password that can be gotten via doing surveys n shit
  4. "BackTrack 5 is OUTDATED and no longer supported – Downloads have been discontinued "
  5. i m using windows 10
  6. Those guy who think this is useful then you cat eat potato :D Dictionary attack in backdated :3
  7. i have linux mint, should i download Kali Linux Instead ?
  8. can u crack 7zip file?
  9. Hello, So how to crack password - protected.D00 file by VirtualDrive 11 software?
  10. Dude... you can install fcrackzip on OSX with homebrew ;P
  11. backtrack no longer available :(
  12. hi can you please send me the link i dont have it
  13. its hard to download by the way
  14. i think u need to put it on the application
  15. pfff lol typical "admin" password recovery... wish useless vids could be banned by voting
  16. guys note that if ur zip archive doesnt have a password but you are trying to crack a file that has a password(not to open the archive) then this doesnt work. both fcrackzip and john the ripper wouldnt work and if you keep trying you can actually corrupt the file inside. so if theres a password when ur trying to open the actual zip folder then this "works". but if theres no password to open the archive instead to open a file inside there really is no working method online today. like i said it can corrupt ur GG
  17. hey Chris How you do that? You were in Mac os and After in another system
  18. + Chris Haralson

    The program doesnt crack my ps3 jail break file plz help me. If i send you the file will you crack it for me? Plz send email
  19. Hello Chappies, While i try to crack this .zip file for PS3 jail break, how am i supposed to do so? These options are useless with the archive i'm trying to brute force. If you find the password please give it to me via email:

    You must Use brute force. Never do disctionary it wont work because the word list is short. LOL if you want to jail break ps3, take it to a mod shop and they will apply modchip to your ps3. The jail break WILL not work without one. Just for xbox 360 you need JTAG you must chip the ps3 for running unsigned code. Jail break will not work on ps3 like this. By the way the file is inside the archive and if you put that file on ps3 it will take you to 89 percent then it says the file is corrupted so it's pointless downloading the file. Also perform MD5 hash check of the file. YOu can enter any pass and that will get you the file but it wont work because its still hashed. You can try Hash cracker or cain and able.