How To: Fix "No Service" and "Searching..." on iPhone 3GS 6.0/6.0.1 & 6.15.00 BB STEP BY STEP

Author: iHelpCorner
837384 View
7m 28s Lenght
1608 Rating

This video will teach you how to fix the "No Service" and "Searching..." error which occurs when you update your iPhone 3GS to 6.0 with the 6.15.00 (iPad baseband). Download Links: Thanks for watching and please comment, rate, subscribe!


  1. I am not able to install ipad baseband what to do ??
  2. I identified iPhone JB source that aid our troubles.
    Trusted JB plan already that I spotted..
  4. Thank you :)
  5. dear friend your video was really really helpful lots of thanks again
  6. allah yjawzak
  7. thnx bro for your help really appreciate it it woks well now
  8. It says Exploit Failed
  9. Thank you dude!
  10. thnx it was helpful :)
  11. When I open redsn0w I get the missing library error...
  12. Hi can you please help out? I have an iPhone6 run iOS 9.3.1 but it's show Sos only even I've tried to removed the sim and put it back on. Or even I've tried different SIM card but it's still showing Sos only . Please help
  13. can i do this with an iphone 4? well ima try
  14. Work with iphone 6 plus or not
  15. Thanks Alot Buddy! IT Helped
  16. my iphone 5 gevey is showing no service
  17. Would this work for iPhone 6 plus
  18. I dont have the manage button nor the downgrade for 05. ---- what do I do?
  19. Really helpful tutorial .. But I also had to face a lot of failure attempts during the process ,and at last I did it.. :D thanks.. :D
  20. Help me my 5s like that