How to format an SD card on your Mac computer

Author: BrickHouse Security
431315 View
0m 0s Lenght
344 Rating How to format an SD card on your Mac computer If the drop-down menu is grayed out, please check to see if the card is locked.


  1. this does not work for me, estimated time started at 1 minute then just keeps going up... loading bar stays half way...
    j'arrivait pas a faire ni de la photo ni de la video avec cette ...saloperie de carte SD dans mon appareil photo
  4. for God s sake turn off the music who the hell can concentrate with this >?
  5. so i don't need the sd card formatter
  6. Just perfect. Merci :)
  7. This helped me a lot! thank you for making this video!!
  8. perfect. thank you
  9. im trying to open dng file but its saying unreadable. do any body know how i can open it please?
  10. It doesn't even work for me
  11. Thank you!
  12. many thanks <3
  13. You're a life saver!
  15. If it's still greyed out after exhausting the above suggestions, try plugging in the card (with it's adapter) directly into the SD port. Sometimes it remains greyed out if using a USB adapter.
  16. What it it's still greyed out even if my card isn't locked?
  17. i put it in and at the bottom right it says a minute, then 2 minutes, and it keeps going up forever and the progress bar stays at half full help
  18. fierce
  19. Thanks for giving the instructions above, "If the drop-down menu is grayed out, please check to see if the card is locked." That was my problem.