How to install Android ADB and Fastboot on Linux (Read Descr.)

Author: RM's Computer Tips
5785 View
16m 0s Lenght
26 Rating

Hey YouTube, what's up! Here is a tutorial on how to install ADB and Fastboot for Android devices. Sorry if I was a bit repetitive throughout the video, I wanted to make sure that people understood what I was saying. LINKS: ArchLinux wiki for ADB and Fastboot:


  1. when giving command adb devices ....error occurs

    adb: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/android/ undefined symbol: _ZN7android4base11InitLoggingEPPcOSt8functionIFvNS0_5LogIdENS0_11LogSeverityEPKcS7_jS7_EE
  2. Good job
  3. You're a Freaking Genius!!! tanks bro! your video make my tech-life more easy, keep going! cheers!
  4. Hipster phone owner, lol. Thanks for the video
  5. Amazing!
  6. Nice video dude!