How to make your external Hard Drive Compatible with Mac and PC

Author: TheRealEddieV
362017 View
2m 31s Lenght
2392 Rating

This is a video tutorial to teach you how to make your external hard drive compatible with mac and pc.


  1. Worked great! This video is so helpful and had no issues following it! Great job!
  2. Hi, I have a problem. My hard drive was usually with windows and then a friend needed to make pictures on it from his mac pc. He saved everything and put it back on my hard drive. Back home I can't find my pictures and my Windows PC can't show me the hard drive. I don't know how to get on my images :(
  3. and mac elcapitan?
  4. This helped a ton. Thanks Man!
    It worked on yosemite, android and PC.
  5. Very good info! I like that you warned not to accidentally select internal hard drive and that the FAT option has a 4GB limit. Thanks for going to the trouble to list the compatible OS versions with ExFAT. This is the first time I've seen that. Well done video.
  6. I have a headset which is windows only, i bought it for my mac but it doesnt work, if i did this would it allow me to download the software for the headset?
  7. You sir, are a life saver!!
  8. Some features like OneDrive and System backup images on windows would not work on any other file system but NTFS, and strangely, these are the very features for which people often use external drives...
    ExFAT is not a full solution, I'm afraid.
    The best solution is to decide which OS you prefer and format for it accordingly. In an emergency, either windows or macOS can read the other's file system (but not write to it).
  9. Its not your real voice
  10. how to recover the files I didn't copy to my computer!?
  11. Thanks Ed.
  12. Thanks so much!
  13. hi,i have 5gb files downloaded from my mac i want to transfer to my external drive..any suggestion thanks!
  14. Thanks a lot!!
  15. Thank you Eddie,
    WD support was INOP, but your simple video explained the process perfectly.
  16. Thank you.
  17. Thanks man, after several useless videos you popped and changed everything with a smile in my face.
  18. Need help ! Just accidently erased the entire drive during REFORMAT !!
  20. thanks!