How to open laptop battery without destroying it. Disassembly laptop battery HP.

Author: 2013Electronics&Computers
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How to open laptop battery without destroying it. Disassemble laptop battery HP.


  1. Thanks for the video.
  2. Get EZ Battery Reconditioning Claim Your Best Discount 80% >>> .*
  3. if you're going to make a video at least make sure what you're doing is on camera. this is not even worth watching
  4. Thank-you. Excellent video except for your allowing klonky noises to compete with crucial words in your speech track.
    Doing it on a piece of cardboard, carpet other soft material would have made all the difference!
  5. thanks so much
  6. this guy is a moron don't do this!
  7. And no blood, was hoping to see him cut his fingers off with that blade!
  8. Terlihat mudah utk dilakukan, berkat keahlian yg dimiliki. Coba sebelum saya membuka batteray Laptop saya, seharusnya saya melihat video ini. Semoga yg menyangkan video ini mendapat ilmu2 yg lbh banyak lagi, guna kemajuan bangsa yg sedang membangun yg banyak membutuhkan dana.
  9. ok got luky..I tried with a fujitsu laptop battery  this same way and it split the plastic and deshaped it so not for all batterys
  10. ich verstehe dich nicht englender
  11. You are a lucky one. I think mine is hard glued all over. I've been trying to use a large knife but even at full strength I cant get it to open. I will probably end up cutting a large hole in it while trying to pry. I mean the battery already costs a lot. Whats the cost of putting some damn screws on this thing?
  12. good now i can change my vape batterys
  13. dude I can't even open it
  14. can I replace battery with the same voltage or mah
  15. شكرا اخي
  16. It's a dumb idea to do what this guy is doing. No sense of safety at all just because you want to save money?
  17. oh hell i got it open, and then it started heat up, and i threw i it out of door
  18. How the hell do you still have all your fingers?
  19. car, phone, laptop, solar/wind, forklift, golf cart, marine batterie