HOW TO RECOVER DELETED FILES IN UBUNTU (It works 100% its true)(Works quickly)

Author: KVM Videos
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1m 40s Lenght
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How to recover deleted files in ubuntu very fast and quick. Here is the video about how to recover deleted files fast and quick in a simple manner.I works quickly. You can easily recover the deleted files fast and quickly How to backup or recover permanantly deleted files in ubuntu or linux step1:open the settings and goto the backup step2:enable the backup step3:click on the backup now step5:enter the password step5:it will open a window and backup is going on step6:after the backup a dialogue box is open.In that your back up is completed Now the Backup of the system is completed. if you deleted some file. open the folder where the file is located before deleting. right click on the window. it will display some items,in that select the restore missing files. then it will opens a window.In that recovering of the deleted file is going on. After completion of recovering the deleted file is displayed,where it is located before deleting. Now you can recover any permanantly deleted file from ur pc or laptop....... This is How to backup or recover permanantly deleted files in ubuntu or linux. You can back any file.... I hope it is useful to you...... Copyrights: Music Name: Bensound - Moose Royalty free music by Bensound. music owner/creator: Music Name:firefly music owner/creator:
