How to setup software RAID 5 in Linux / Ubuntu using MDADM

Author: Jean van Wyngaardt
21970 View
8m 6s Lenght
72 Rating

A quick tutorial on setting up a software raid config in ubuntu server using MDADM.. Feel free to post your questions below.


  1. I have an existing Raid 5 using windows 7 on a separate machine (5 drives with a 120GB SSD) only accessing it on my network. How would Linux compare as far as adding drives if needed? Would i need to rebuild the entire array in the bios or is this done all through command line in LInux?
  2. Thank You.. Got some idea ... :)
  3. hi! would like to give some feedback. worked like a charm. thank you very much
  4. I can see the drve but i cant write on it.
  5. cool vid! Everything worked out just the way you have shown. Thank you.
  6. Very helpful, thank you!
  7. thanks, worked for me!
  8. I read the angry reply you left to another person who had the same concerns as me. 

    Got a good laugh out of it. It's not up to me to make a better video. I came here looking for help and you apparently claim to be offering help. I wouldn't be on your video if I knew how to make a better video.

    What a laugh when people can't take criticism. Thanks for the video anyway, taught me a single step in a multi step process.
  9. Thank you for this video!   This has been a HUGE help for me!!
  10. You don't sudo in your home folder.

    Could you explain the benefit of raid 5?  Could you explain replacing one of the drives as it fails?

    Could you say how to get the raid mounted on start up?

    How does it handle varying drive sizes?
  11. You mention a larger chunk size for HD video. Can you recommend a value?
  12. Very great tutorial ;) , easy and nice explained.
  13. Great video mate! Really enjoyed it! Keep it up!
  14. What an incomplete tutorial.

    First of all you did some of the processes prior to making the video. Secondly you mention nothing about how to have linux mount this raid at bootup. Who wants to go through the creation process only to have to do it all again the next time the machine reboots?

    I understand that most linux users are more technical than this, but there are many inexperienced users coming to linux, and having incomplete tutorials like this would be frustrating for a novice trying to setup a simple media server perhaps.
  15. Thanks. Its working
  16. thanks for the tutorial, as I am new to using Linux Server and wasn't quite sure about everything involved in setting up a new raid 5.
  17. If you want to init the Raid on ervery startup you have to write a configuration file in /etc/mdadm So enter in the console:

    " mdadm --detail --scan >> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf "

    And to mount it write with nano or vi or else in the /etc/fstab :

    " /dev/md0 /home/ladmin/temp ext4 defaults 0 0 " (for this case)
  18. I would say if you are going to go to the effort and do a tutorial, it would be more ideal to actually do it live on video rather then saying, "I have already done this, so im not going to run this command", it takes a lot away out of it Just my opinion
  19. very informative, thanks i learnt alot here!