How-To Tutorial: Find/Recover Lost/Unsaved Microsoft Word Document/File AutoRecover

Author: Pham Transcription Services
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5m 27s Lenght
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This is a how-to tutorial video to recover your lost or unsaved Microsoft Word document/file using the AutoRecover feature. (No guarantee made.) Closed Captioning/Transcription provided by: Pham Transcription Services @PhamTranscript FULL TRANSCRIPT: Have you ever been typing in Word and, all of a sudden, either the program froze or your computer went into a restart, and you lost portions of your document? This has happened to me, and it is extremely stressful. You go into files. You look into your history. You pull up the document and, like, half of it is gone. Okay. Don't panic yet. You might be able to still recover your file, your document. If you've set it up to do an auto save, but you didn't see the entire document in the history file, this is what you can do to try to recover that document. Click on the Windows icon. In the search, type "AppData." Click on this file. Then click on the file "Roaming." Scroll down to "Microsoft." Then "Word." In this Word file, which I'm not going to open because I don't want to show my files, you're going to want to look at the most recent file, so under "Date Modified" in this Word folder. Click on it and open it. If you're having trouble opening it, copy and save it to your desktop. Then open Microsoft Word, and then go into your files and open that file. That should pull it up. And it should, if not the entire document, most of the document should have been saved. Now, the way that you can change the settings is by going to "Tools," "Options," and, under this "Save" tab, here is where it says "Save AutoRecover info every:" and I set it up for every minute. Click on "OK." As you can see, it doesn't give you an option of where exactly you can save those AutoRecover files. I'm going to show you in the later versions of Word where you actually can change that. Here we are in the latest version or the more updated version of Word. And to change the file that those recovery files are saved in, you're going to click on "File." And what I'm going to do here, it's going to look weird, but I'm going to open this Paint program. That's going to hide my files, so you can see what I'm doing without seeing my files. Click on "File." Then it brings you automatically up to my "Recent" files. And again, I'm blocking that out by using my Paint program. Down at the bottom it says "Recover Unsaved Documents." You might be able to find the document you're looking for right here by clicking on this folder. If not, in order to find those folders, again, follow the same process I showed before. To change the settings of where that file location is in the newer versions of Word, click on "Options." Then go down to where it says "Save." Here you can check "Save AutoRecover information every:" and I set this up for every two minutes. Again, you can put it to whatever increment you'd like. Here you actually are given the option to change where that file location is. As I said before, it was under AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Word. Here you can change it to whatever file location you'd like. Click "OK," and it saves that information for you. I hope this information has been useful to you. And I hope that you were able to recover your Word document without so much stress and without having to retype most of the document. If you found this video useful, I'd really appreciate you clicking on the like button. It's the thumbs up. If you'd like to make sure you don't miss any upcoming videos on this channel, please subscribe. You can also find me on Facebook and Twitter. Thanks for watching and best wishes!


  1. I love you
  2. What if there is no such thing as appdata?
  3. Thanks--it worked!
  4. Thank you very much. I found a file that was not a word format. It was ADS file. However, I opened with word and it did work. Thanks again.
  5. its very much helpful thankyou...may god bless u
  6. ok how do you fix it if it is a bunch weird words and don't make sense but the file is their
  8. Does this work on MS Paint?
  9. i love you!! lmaoo
  10. I'm in love with you, thanks :)
  11. OMG it worked, you saved my life. keep up with the good work Thumbs up
  12. how to do in Windows 10
  13. life saver thank you
  14. Please find my saved Word Documents lost in May 2016. Thank you
  15. This saved my life, thank you
  16. thanks very much
  17. thank you so much for this video tutorial! this really helped me a lot! i got my file again! once again thank you so much! :) the second time i wanted to open it mic word said the file is unsupported file just like Ashanti's comment. But Thank God i saved it when the first time i tried to open it through the mic word.
  18. agly
  19. I Don't See AppData
  20. Oh my goodness thank you so much!!! I worked on an assignment aaalll day and I accidentally exited it out without saving it. I was literally in tears until I tried this and my file was "unsaved" under the recovered files. Seriously LIFESAVER!