How to update ASUS MeMOPad 10 with recovery method

Author: Sabertooth159
87656 View
1m 23s Lenght
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1. Requies rooted tablet 2. Download the system update, after download don´t tap the install button. 3. Install OTA Snatcher, and snatch the OTA file into the SD card or find the dlpkgfile in android root/cache folder. 4. Copy this file to the external SD card. 5. Rename the file to the 6. In the update notification tap cancel. 7.Power off the tablet. 8. BOOT INTO RECOVERY MODE! 8.1. Hold down vol up ( + ) and power on button. 8.2. When the asus logo appears release the power button but hold the vol up. 8.3. You see dead android and no command text (no recovery menu). 8.4. Hold the power on (1 second) and push the vol up again. 8.5. Recovery menu appears, you can release the buttons. 8.6. In the recovery go to Apply update from external storage. 8.7. Wait for the update is completed. 8.8 Reboot the device with reboot device now button. 9. Enjoy :) (The Update remove root. Root with VRoot.) Thanks to Viliam Sonntag for the "boot into recovery" steps. Recovery picture:!AZ5mGTII!N6DtHjBJHWQR51o1mKCAJndD4JMBD_ql_KBCMUYjQa8 See this video, how to root with VRoot:


  1. y9999999999999999999
  2. Can you upload that file and share us ?
  3. When I try to enter recovery, tablet just recovery..why?
  4. como hago para no reiniciarla me salio eso y no se como quitarlo ? ayudaa
  5. do you know any way to update it to lollipop?
  6. will this update be the lollipop update?
  7. Hi, really struggling with one of these...tried all manner of key combinations to get it to boot into recovery mode and it's not having it. Either Power + Vol Down or Power + Vol Up + Down doesn't allow the device to boot at all. Power + Vol Up just boots up as normal....any advice??
  8. how can i download the update file? plese answer
  9. hi sabertooth159. thers's a .zip with the stock rom? i could use it and install the update via ota.
  10. Thanks for the tutorial good sir!
  11. it is works on other rooted device like lg g2 mini
  12. Thanks!!
  13. why i cannot update from external storage from my samsung note4 it says "UPDATE FROM EXTERNAL STORAGE IS DISABLED" how can i enable it, thanks so much for your help
  14. Thank you very much
    You helped me with banner
  15. can u please send me snatched OTA file or link
  16. hi ,what will happen to the installed apps , data and configurations after update ? are they gone ? 
  17. damn! I always press reboot when the recovery apear
  18. tengo esta tablet, un dia se me descargo completamente y no la puse. Pasado el tiempo la tablet  la dejo cargada y no prende para nada. 
    habra alguna manera de  solucionarlo?? 
  19. i have the k00f rooted but where can i find a custom recovery?
  20. tengo una misma de esa, pero cuando le doy a la combinacion de botones me sale "munequito de android" abajo me dice SIN COMANDOS. y no da acceso al RECOVERY. y aun mas quisiera saber donde he de conseguir los drivers en especial K00F o MTP service que programa me recomiendas para aplicarle FW