[HowTo] Undelete/Recover a deleted file from NTFS Drive on Ubuntu Linux

Author: Nehad Hussain
18793 View
6m 49s Lenght
22 Rating

Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/n3haad Google+: https://plus.google.com/118116974211721509485 NTFS Undelete: Recover deleted files sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs NTFS Undelete is free and open source software that allows you to recover deleted files. It recovers files directly from hard drive, and it will work even if you empty Recycle Bin. Before downloading NTFS Undelete, please consider the following: When you delete a file, its content physically remains intact on the media, but the occupied space becomes marked as free. Next file saved to the disk may overwrite the contents of the deleted file. It is very important to make sure that no application writes to the drive or partition where deleted file is located since every new file (even a small one) may overwrite the deleted file. http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/en/man8/ntfsundelete.8.html Tips. What you should do, when you realized that the file you need is deleted: Do not open or close files and applications. Many applications create temporary files which may overwrite and corrupt your deleted files. Always recover files to another disk or partition. Do not recover files to the same partition they were located, otherwise files you are recovering may get corrupted and unrecoverable. Windows only: http://ntfsundelete.com/


  2. Gotta love the Indian accent! :D
  3. CAN you help me? :) I didnt knew that my stupid HDD can create only 3 partiotion... its 500gb hdd so... its kinda stupis... after all, I losed everything... whole HDD... I installed win7 on C partiotion, D is huge, and after that I managed to install ubuntu 11.04. but when I created partition I said that D partiotion boot from /windows... stupid of me... I now I cannot do like you /dev/sda2 <-- where it should be... if you type sudo ntfsundelete /windows ..... it says that it is directory...
  5. yahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  6. he's indian.
  7. MUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! ITS TOO LATE FOR ME NOW!!! WHY? WHY? i have only one disk, its C:/ and i have open and close some applications, and install a stupid recover data software, now what can i do? WHAT CAN I DO? :'(
  8. Very helpful! I don't currently use NTFS on much, but I'll keep this in mind for family/friends. Thanks!
  9. Salut maby you make an tutorial about on how to install fonts and how to apply the installed new font
  10. great tutorial! =)