Install .PKG without Admin password (macOS)

Author: Vladimir Kochkovski
2960 View
3m 20s Lenght
72 Rating

How to install a .pkg package file without Administrator password on macOS This video tutorial will show you the step-by-step procedure on how to install most .pkg package files without having to give them your Administrator password. No regular app or game should ask you for administrator privileges just to do a simple install on a Mac. With this procedure you can securely install your apps without giving them your password. If you have any questions about the procedure, please feel free to leave a comment below.


  1. ok thx alot but im trying to download virtualbox and when i extract it, the aplication does not open at all
  2. what about for installers like magic bullet looks
  3. named it a new name and it says Error 2: No such file or directory
  4. now i keep getting the errror message Error encountered while creating /Users/dae100/Desktop/untitled folder. Error 17: File exists
    and ive delted the folder multiple times
  5. it says pkgutil: unrecognized option
  6. Thank You so much! now I can use OBS!
  7. This is so helpful
  8. Dude you are a legend.
  9. holy frick it worked
  10. Is there any way you can do something like this for a .app file? It says "*app name* wants to make changes. Type an administrator's name and password to allow this." Please respond ASAP, I would greatly appreciate it.
  11. Can you figure out a way to do the same thing for drivers? I'm trying to download a driver for a clone Arduino (CH40g to be specific) but I can't install it without admin rights. Changing it to a .app doesn't work. Thank you
  12. Что за огород вы несёте ?
  13. Thank you!
  15. I love you more than you'll ever know ILL FIND YOU AND LICK YOUUUU!
  16. it said Could not open package for expansion: /Users/Hayden Stafford/Desktop/OBS
    LDLMS-C02KX07PF5YV:~ Hayden Stafford$
  17. Doesn't work, it just gives me the same folder you got at 1:46 . And also, there was no package in the folder.
  18. Thank you so much! I subbed! You helped me so much! Now I can stream with OBS! I can't thank you enough! Have a wonderful day!
  19. Is there a way to bypass the admin password for a helper?
  20. thank you so much!!!