
iOS 10 vs iOS 9 vs iOS 8 vs iOS 7 vs iOS 6 on iPhone 5 Speed Test!

Author: EverythingApplePro
1178802 View
6m 37s Lenght
25392 Rating

iPhone 5, 5 Years Later! Planned Obsolescence Real? iOS 10 vs iOS 9 vs iOS 8 vs iOS 7 vs iOS 6 Comparison on iPhone 5.


  1. Proud of you mate !
  2. See the difference? With steve jobs and without steve jobs? ios 6 was winning by the latest ios 10! And.... There is a 5 year difference!
  3. Jony Ive and his terrible design...
  4. can u send me iphone 5 as a gift ?
  5. anyone notice the formation at 2:07?
    the loading ones and the down ones which show iOS version, Im talking about the edit. Its acutally 1 till 10 counting XD
    1 2 3 4 5 [6] (7) (8) (9) (10)
    wow perfect.. made my day.
  6. IOS 6 has less features thats why starts up faster
  7. 5:28 iOS 6*
  8. This is a good video keep it up
  9. My favorite was iOS 8 and iOS 9. I'm not really a fan of iOS 10
  10. I like old IOS6 or IOS5 style ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ
  11. I have ios 9.3.2 and i love it
    Im not gonna change it to ios 10 hate it๐Ÿ˜’
  12. Much appreciated. This is why I choose to ignore apple updates. My ipad 4 retina is still blazing fast running IOS 6 now five years after purchase. I also block Apple at my router to prevent their auto downloads and only update my iPhones for security purposes a month or two after Apple fan boys suffer the bug disasters. Sadly my iphone 3g is faster in most every way than my iPhone 6 ! Further, Apple has become nothing more than a fashion brand and a disgrace using planned obsolescence via software "updates" and bloat ware against their base of Apple fan boy/ suckers. Be aware the Apple forums are run by their own nazi "thought police" and will delete any comments they don't like so if your looking for free speech and free opinions you will not find it at Apple.
  13. Some were faster on ios6 because there was lest built in stuff to load
  14. When iOS 8 came out I wanted a new icon design not the same as ios7โ˜น๏ธ
  15. The first test is only like that because of the order you turned them off in.
  16. screw iOS 10. iOS 6 was the best
  17. It's so hard to believe that a device running the nostalgic iOS 6 from 4.5 years ago is still supported for at least the next few months. That is something you will never be able to say about any android phone. Gotta give apple credit for that.
  18. Yes finally he is doing something with an iPhone 5 (that is what I have) ๐Ÿ˜ญ
  19. And this is why you don't update iPhones
  20. So... I shoud upgrade to iOS 10 if I am have iOS 9?