
James Arthur - Safe Inside

Author: JamesAVEVO
9994676 View
3m 43s Lenght
137891 Rating

Watch the new video "Safe Inside" from James Arthur now. Get the album "Back from the Edge" here: https://smg.lnk.to/jamesarthur Stream the song here: https://open.spotify.com/track/5ooilrQAnOJbUjq7lDm8ly Visit James: https://www.jamesarthurofficial.com https://www.facebook.com/jamesarthur https://www.twitter.com/jamesarthur23 https://www.instagram.com/jamesarthurinsta23


  1. 9.9 M Tell now
  2. 9.9 Million. This song's finally getting the recognition it deserves.
  3. ME: i'm not going to cry.......

    one min later

  4. I have been going through the darkest days of my life...this song gave me reason to face another day...
  5. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’œ
  6. As a father of a little boy of 3.5 years old this song really hits a core....
  7. This song is so much better than Say You Won't Let Go.
  8. My mum has this CD and when go in the car I cry
  9. James i think that you've something special, your songs are very powerful, every time i hear you sing, i feel like million or billion emotions explode inside me, idk how, and i just want to say thanks for thatβ™₯ Someone in Dominican Republic really love you and your music ;)
  10. Now this guy has got the voice that would make my mother leave my dad for this guy.Great voice
  11. Favourite song at the moment xx
  12. I Love James Arthur
  13. So upsetting making me tear up 😩
  14. beautiful song love it
    reply to me and say amen if you agree
  15. sad
  16. Would mean the world if anyone reading this could check out the video of my girlfriend singing "Feeling Good" she is so good and only 13 and I want the world to see her please share it like and leave nice comments, thanks
  17. This made me cry xx
  18. The feels :(
  19. say you wont let go was good, BUT NOT AS GOOD S THIS ONE!!!!!
  20. This man's voice is liquid gold. He can recite a grocery list and I'd still cry.