MoodiModo Mood Tracking App for Android

Author: Mike Sinn
1733 View
4m 12s Lenght
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You can't manage what you don't measure. MoodiModo makes tracking of one's mood effortless by using a unique pop-up reminder interface that forces the user to rate their mood at regular intervals. When the user first installs the app, they get to set this reminder frequency and indicate their preferred means of notification, as well as reporting their first mood, engaging the user from the moment they start using MoodiModo. In addition to the ability to track basic overall mood, MoodiModo also allows the user to submit a more detailed and precise measurement of their mood when time allows. This is done by answering questions related to the 20 different feelings and emotions defined by the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS). The PANAS is a scale which was developed by Auke Tellegen in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota and David Watson and Lee Anna Clark in the Department of Psychology at the University of Iowa to provide brief measures of positive and negative affect. The PANAS scales were originally published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology in 1988. Users will have the ability to review their mood trends retrospectively, allowing them to identify triggers for symptoms and quantify the effectiveness of treatments. The social sharing features of MoodiModo would facilitate social support that is a critical element to recovery from these disorders. MoodiModo allows the user to easily share graphs of their mood on various social media websites such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Tumblr, and Pinterest. This will inform friends and family when someone is suffering. Since emotional states are often invisible, visual depiction of emotion can ensure that no one ever needs to suffer alone in silence. Physical and environmental factors influence how you feel, just as emotions often cause changes in your physical system. In turn, brain chemistry is influenced by a number of factors including degree of social interaction, sleep, diet, medication, and physical activity. Mood data from MoodiModo can also be automatically uploaded to the QuantiModo website. At QuantiModo, this data can be combined with data from other applications, devices and electronic health records. Since the human mind is not powerful enough to retain all of the necessary information, this data integration feature is essential to identifying correlations and causal relationships. Users will also have the option to anonymously donate their data to the Mind First Foundation, the Personal Genome Project, and other researchers in order to help facilitate the crowdsourced observational research which will eventually lead to the eradication of mental illness.
