Never, Ever Give Up. Arthur's Inspirational Transformation!

Author: Diamond Dallas Page
13234772 View
4m 55s Lenght
186030 Rating

If this story can inspire someone you know, please share it with them! Arthur Boorman was a disabled veteran of the Gulf War for 15 years, and was told by his doctors that he would never be able to walk on his own, ever again. He stumbled upon an article about Diamond Dallas Page doing Yoga and decided to give it a try -- he couldn't do traditional, higher impact exercise, so he tried DDP YOGA and sent an email to Dallas telling him his story. Dallas was so moved by his story, he began emailing and speaking on the phone with Arthur throughout his journey - he encouraged Arthur to keep going and to believe that anything was possible. Even though doctors told him walking would never happen, Arthur was persistent. He fell many times, but kept going. Arthur was getting stronger rapidly, and he was losing weight at an incredible rate! Because of DDP's specialized workout, he gained tremendous balance and flexibility -- which gave him hope that maybe someday, he'd be able to walk again. His story is proof, that we cannot place limits on what we are capable of doing, because we often do not know our own potential. Niether Arthur, nor Dallas knew what he would go on to accomplish, but this video speaks for itself. In less than a year, Arthur completely transformed his life. If only he had known what he was capable of, 15 years earlier. Do not waste any time thinking you are stuck - you can take control over your life, and change it faster than you might think. Hopefully this story can inspire you to follow your dreams - whatever they may be. Anything is Possible! For more information about DDP YOGA, visit Artist Name: Javier Colon Song: Fix You Buy it on iTunes for $1.29!


  1. I am such a cry baby man. This had me in tears.
  2. Here's a helpful video for naturally losing weight
  3. Anyone get teary eyed when he started running? 😪
  4. awesome
  5. it is so good inspiration. Thank you very much.
  6. I gained weight allot of weight
  7. Bless You Diamond and All Those Hero's Who Help Heal Other's With Compassion, Soul and Grace <3 /|\ <3
  8. Way to go Arthur you just made my day for real!
  9. how did he loose so much weight in such a short time?? how did he change his diet? or any supplements? this is so inspiring ...thank you so much for the video
  10. One Beautiful Man's Journey Back to His Physical, Joyful and Spiritual Healing /|\ Blessed Be Dear Hearts <3
    We Have More Power Within Than Without! A'HO!
  11. Frankly, even at his heaviest, he does NOT look too bad. What was his heaviest weight?
  12. Arthur, you're an inspiration and a hero. Keep up the excellent work, YOU ARE AMAZING. 💗💙💚💛💜
  13. This is amazing! I had seen your video a while back, and needed to find it to share with someone tonight! So glad to have easily found it.
  14. Thanks to Dr Rob Gilbert of Montclair state for letting people know about this video!
  15. This is inspiring. I cried so much!!! Everything is possible!!!
  16. I cry every time I watch this
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  18. You're in incredible man Arthur, and DDP, what a guy for helping make this possible.
  19. wait, is there a Yoga Mafia cause i wanted to cry and couldn't. Great Transformation Pal!