Nokia 130 factory reset

Author: GSM-ABC
174599 View
2m 29s Lenght
259 Rating

This method will reset your phone to factory settings. Warning! You do this at your own risk! Take your sim card and memory card from the phone before the reset. All personal data from the phone (contacts, pictures, messages, apps, games, files) will be deleted! Please, if you can, make a backup before! Watch us on Fcebook: Ofiicial site:


  1. merci
  2. don't work for me as
  3. thank you sir.
  4. sir, thank you
  5. now i understand... thank you so much for your information
  6. I was forget changed pasward please help me how i can change????
  7. Thanks very much
  8. Dear public nokia 1280 my phone is security code forget code plzz help me And code video plzzz
  9. good job
  10. يامهندسين مافي واحد يشرح لنا طريقة فك رمز حماية نوكيا… صح
  11. tysm !!!
  12. hallo friend i have a problim i was changed my access secuorety cod but i whanna restard my phone but not gone pleeesss help me.
  13. شكرا جزيلا 😃
  14. forget password plz help me
  15. Thank you very match
  16. eu estou a procura de nokia 105 como posso desbloqueiar?
  17. thx
  18. thank you very much
  19. How add my wallpaper?
    And what menu MENU-SETTINGS-GO TO SETTINGS. What function it?
  20. thanx it worked in nokia 215 also