Nokia Asha 503: Remove Password by Flashing

Author: Repair My Mobile
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Download the flash file and tool. Here we are removing the password of Nokia Asha 503 by flashing. This process will re-install the Symbian OS on Asha 503.


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  2. This metode function to Nokia 501 ? Please a faster aswner.
  3. thank you my friend. tump up.
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  5. Each time I connect the cable, it starts to charge the battery, if I press the power button for seconds, it turns on.

    Your computer does not turn on when you press the power button. Why?
  6. I forget my password :'(
  7. mada os arqui cade
  8. que tengo que descargar me salen muchas cosas en el link
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  10. Muito bom me ajudou muito mano....Ganhou like e mais um escrito...
  11. meu e 501 pega?
  12. I have the package and the drivers too but for some reason my phone just starts charging everytime I connect it to PC. Please help, I've tried everything.
  13. And for the Nokia 501 how it works ???
  14. Hola como están? Tengo que ver si puedo sacar el codigo de mi nokia 503 ya que tengo windows 10 y no me deja instalar el phoenix me lleva a una pagina que nada que ver.
    Alguna ayuda? Gracias
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  16. amigo quiero q me desbloque el celu mio es un nokia es como esta en el video
  17. alguém entendeu esse vídeo???
  18. i wanna know if the mobile will reset also.

    kero saber se o telefone tmbm vai voltar as configurações de origem.
    o meu telefone perdeu o flash ,então,ele liga e volta a ligar sempre.
    qndo tento tirar foto se caso ele ligar mesmo,então ele volta a desligar-se.
    o kê k eu faço agora?
  19. I got a problem, " NO ATF BOX FOUND" how can i fix it ? and how can i put to dead usb flashing ?
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