OAuth2 in 8 Steps Tutorial Preview

Author: KnpUniversity
187643 View
11m 42s Lenght
655 Rating

Get the full video, script, activities and code at: https://knpuniversity.com/screencast/oauth OAuth: that mystical beast that you kind of understand and occasionally wrestle to integrate with some social media site. Time to master OAuth... and why not do it by building a real app with farmers, chickens and real-life providers like Facebook and Google Plus. We'll show you how OAuth really works while looking at how OAuth will feel by using SDK's and other tools that give you shortcuts. And like always, we'll go directly at the ugly details, like token expiration and having a user deny access to your application. Here's what you'll be learning: - 3 main OAuth grant types: client credentials, authorization code and implicit; - The exact flow behind getting your application authorized, exchanging an authorization code for a token, and using the token; - Authentication (single sign-on) using OAuth; - Handling expired tokens; - Using refresh tokens; - Integrating and authentication with Facebook; - OAuth integration with Google+; - What to look out for with security and how you can tighten things.


  1. Use php composer.phar require guzzlehttp/guzzle:~3.0 to make it work.
  2. Does not seem to work any more. Guzzle has been updated to use different constructs. Be great if you could update.
  3. I was going to back out of the video, but your cheerful disposition suddenly made me feel like i was 7 years old again sitting in story time at school. A very cheerful, very confusing story.
  4. your tutorial is so nice
  5. I am trying out the authentication test via PostMan and I am getting the following error, even though I use the 3 params from the course (generated app, secret and grant_type):
    "error": "invalid_request",
    "error_description": "The grant type was not specified in the request"

    The authentication type I set to "No auth"
    Please advise how to proceed.
  6. {"error":"insufficient_scope","error_description":"The request requires higher privileges than provided by the access token"}
    Does it mean that I have to register to the class?
  7. Awesome!! Thanks :)
  8. can i have the full documentation for this.
  9. That is great video! Thank you.
  10. sir do u have tutorial for gmail login in angular spa application with laravel backend
  11. Very concise - I love it :D
  12. ...my website is not cool.
  13. waste of time
  14. Fantastic!
  15. "poopin #yolo" -.-
  16. Seriously one of the most well produced and understandable tutorials I've seen on the subject. Thank you.
  17. Hi
    Can your please guide me "How to use OAuth WooCommerce REST API"
    I have try many time, but did not get success even i search on google but not find useful stuff

    I suggest you post you next on "How to use OAuth WooCommerce REST API" in video tutorial and git code
  18. can we have this awesome tutorial in java please
  19. Beyond working with an OAuth API do you have any video examples or walkthroughs for using something like Java, C#, or Python to digest data pulled from an API and write part of said data to a database?
  20. I have been HUNTING for this exact information. Thank you so much.