Objective C Tutorial

Author: Derek Banas
117207 View
0m 0s Lenght
1203 Rating

Get the Code Here : http://goo.gl/aNeg5E Best Objective C Book : http://amzn.to/1GjLx6N Support me on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/derekbanas C Intro 1:40 For Loop 2:37 Main Attributes 3:18 Compiling 4:52 Include 6:06 Data Types 6:17 Scanf / User Input 7:22 Data Type Precision 9:05 If Else Statement 12:07 Comparison Operators 13:02 Logical Operators 13:19 Math 16:29 For Loop 20:08 While Loop 21:58 Do While Loop 22:33 Global Variable 24:06 Functions 24:43 Pointers 28:32 Structs 32:40 Objective C Intro 34:37 Auto Release Pool 35:39 NSLog 36:18 NSString 36:30 Constants 41:02 Convert NSString to String 41:39 NSRange 42:25 NSMutableString 45:06 NSArray 47:37 NSMutableArray 50:23 Custom Objects / Classes 52:36 Header File 53:02 Properties 53:30 Method Definition 54:49 Implementation File 57:49 Constructor / Init 58:02 Self 58:45 Custom Init 59:30 Method Initialization 1:00:09 Creating Objects 1:01:28 Executing Object Methods 1:01:58 Inheritance 1:04:44 Catagories 1:07:56 Protocols 1:11:21 Block Anonymous Function 1:13:06 Enum 1:14:08 Dynamic Binding 1:14:49 In this video I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in one video. I'll also teach a great deal of the C programming language as well. I'll cover compiling, include, variables, data types, functions, pointers, structs, main, printf, formatting, scanf, comparison operators, logical operators, if, else, ternary operator, math, casting, order of operations, looping, ARC, NSLog, classes, objects, NSLog, NSString, NSRange, NSArray, NSMutableString, NSMutableArray, init, alloc, inheritance, categories, protocols, blocks, enums, dynamic binding and more.


  1. Please, have a look at my C/C++ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1702248550074055/?ref=group_browse_new and if you (Derek Banas) subscribe, I would be honoured to make you an admin.
  2. 30:23 Liked it
  3. hey hi Derek, I have a question, I know whats a @interface and @end, but what is a @protocol, there is a lot of @otherNames.
  4. Excellent Tutorial on C basic's to advance Obj C. This guy is amazing !!! Do you have any course for sale ?
  5. The tutorial helps a lot. Thank you very much!
    I didn't get the part with the category (Protected)... what is the difference between that class and other category classes? Also, what is the difference between category and an extension?
  6. When you're pointing to a string variable like @36:59 when you write NSString *nothing = nil;

    Why are you using a pointer? Is this the way character arrays are defined in OBJ C? Why can't you do

    NSString nothing[] = nil;

    Does it have something to do with Dynamic Memory Allocation? I don't understand why pointers are being used on strings
  7. And the grand finale...anonymous functions in OBJC...a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT language...steve jobs is lucky he is already dead...otherwise people would hunt him down.
  8. Started studying and using OBJC when the calendar read 2013...and STILL amazed at how COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS some of it is...still learning to use some of it because some of it is such a sad travesty of language design...seemingly have a resistance to studying things that are so horribly designed. Occasionally stare in awe at how completely idiotic some of OBJC is.

    So sad that a modern programming language was designed so horribly. Really not a fan of swift...yet...some days...well...both of those languages are honestly sad. Thankfully swift is mainly sad because it's still getting rid of the OBJC baggage...wish that Apple would release a swift edition of ALL of the frameworks NOW...this month....today...
  9. Oy...that NSRange part at 42:00 ...derek...any notes on WHY it's not a pointer?...really annoying when OBJC doesn't comply with the OBJC way of doing things...
  10. 1:12:35 in Koala.m file u implement the lookCute function but you leave a typo in (a " is missing), the row is indicated with the red error mark so I am waiting that you will come back and correct it. But no, you go and call that method from main.m. At 1:12:58 the calling line is still marked with red and you run Command+R and whoaaa it compiles... WAAAAAAT? :DDD with erraneus code!?!? :D What kind of magic is that? :D Do you correct it with some kind of shortkey, or the video is cut? ;)
  11. 33:00 - why do you not dynamically allocate memory for the strings?
  12. Awesome video, pace is a bit quick so had to 'rewind' a couple times, but solid content for 1 hour. great job!
  13. amazing
  14. Am I the only retard out here that will never be able learn this i been studying for ever still have no idea how to start someone lead me to the very first step computers are my life i just use them for the wrong things instead of learning for example watching and making comments on videos like this instead of practicing sorry for my poor grammar i never graduated high school sad but true i know
  15. thanx alot
    very nice and smooth pronunciation and very infomative lesson!
  16. The video is AMAZing! Thanks Derek.
    As I am new to programming do you think I can fully get Obj-C as first language or should I learn Python first?
    btw till now I spend so much time on Obj-C in teamtreehouse website and I think I understand everything only methods are a bit tricky for me but as I saw your video they got much simpler.

    Thank you
  17. Thank you very much and I like the speed of this video.
  18. This is the most amazing language I've ever used, I am so glad you made a video on it.
  19. Thanks for your really fast and cool Objective-C Tutorial!

    NSString* (^comment) (NSString *text);
    comment = ^NSString*(NSString *text){
    return text;

    NSLog(@"%@", comment(@"Thumbs up!"));
  20. Around 15:00 you've declared: bool isElementary = ((age >= 12) && (age <= 13));
    How did you do to use a bool data type inside a C program? I'm getting a "Use of undeclared identifier 'bool' in any of my attempts."

    The same way I'm not able to do: !true, because true isn't declared as well! When I first studied C in College, I remember that C didn't have a boolean type, so I got a bit confused now! =/