OPENCV 2.4.10 Setup on Windows 8.1 64 bit OS (Using Visual Studio)

Author: Supershok Labs
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---------------------HOW TO CREATE AN OPENCV PROJECT----------- -----------------------------------------WINDOWS 8.1--------------------------------- -------------------------------------------64 Bit OS--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------OPENCV 2.4.10--------------------------------- ------------------------------------VISUAL STUDIO 2013--------------------------- 1) Download the latest version of OPENCV from 2) Save the file create the folder OpenCV2410 in C drive 3) Extract the files to 3.1) C:\OpenCV2410\ 4) Download the latest free version of Visual Studio 5) Save file and run the .exe file 6) Open Visual Studio and start a new project 7) Create a Visual C++ Win32 Console Application 7.1) empty project 8) Properties 8.1) Change from Win32 to x64 using Configuration Manager and copy settings from Win32 8.2) Make sure you are changing properties for "All Configurations" 8.3) C/C++ -- General -- Additional Include Directories C:\OpenCV2410\opencv\build\include C:\OpenCV2410\opencv\build\include\opencv C:\OpenCV2410\opencv\build\include\opencv2 8.4) Linker -- General -- Additional Library Directories C:\OpenCV2410\opencv\build\x64\vc12\lib 8.5) Find all libraries C:\OpenCV2410\opencv\build\x64\vc12\lib 8.5) Linker -- Input -- Additional Dependencies (all ending with d) opencv_calib3d2410d.lib opencv_contrib2410d.lib opencv_core2410d.lib opencv_features2d2410d.lib opencv_flann2410d.lib opencv_gpu2410d.lib opencv_highgui2410d.lib opencv_imgproc2410d.lib opencv_legacy2410d.lib opencv_ml2410d.lib opencv_nonfree2410d.lib opencv_objdetect2410d.lib opencv_ocl2410d.lib opencv_photo2410d.lib opencv_stitching2410d.lib opencv_superres2410d.lib opencv_ts2410d.lib opencv_video2410d.lib opencv_videostab2410d.lib 9) Add the opencv path to the system environment C:\OpenCV2410\opencv\build\x64\vc12\bin


  1. how come visual studio instead of visual studio code? is visual studio similar to visual studio code?
  2. ...and restart your computer after you set the PATH!
  3. Thanks
  4. do i have to configure every time when i'm making a project
    is it posiable that once i have done the configuration i dont have to do it again
  5. What if i have non of those libraries, how can i get those?
  6. I don't have the c/c++ tree in configuration properties
  7. Thank you !!!! I spend 2 days fighting with opencv 3.1.0 and visual studio 2015. it finally works :)
  8. i cant find c++ in all configurations, pliss replay.
  9. c/c++ option is not there in visual studio 2015 :/ what i have missed . someone help me??
  10. Hello,
    I have installed openCV 2.4.11 and have installed it exactly as you have mentioned, and have also made the necessary changes in 2410d lib files to 2411d.
    However, whenever I am running my application, it shows the error that
    "opencv_core2411d.dll is missing. Reinstall the program to fix the error"
    Have been on this problem for too long, working on an urgent project and am now getting desperate for any of your help.
  11. Thanks for your help
  12. how fo i know if i have already installed THE OPENCV ?
  13. I will totally bake you a dozen cookies for a tutorial on cascade-training (to identify the differences between ants and rolly-pollies.) =]
    Thank you so much for your hard work, lil sister. Subscribed.
  14. First of all Gr8 work. Keep it up!!! But I have a small problem with getting started with openCV. My openCV build/x64 folder contains only 2 folders vc12 and vc14 but i have visual studio 2015 in my pc. So what can be a feasible solution to it..?
  15. I Have OpenCV 3.1.0 and i have only one dependences in the vc14 folder ( opencv_world310d.lib (this)).Where can i download al the oders ? And whithout the Others what problems i'll have ?
  16. you can produce in 720p but can't get a proper mic, what's that all about?
  17. i also have this problem .even i use 2411.also cannot open file opencv_calib3d2411d.lib
  18. i also have this problem .even i use 2411.also cannot open file opencv_calib3d2411d.lib
  19. Hi there, I have followed all your steps. However while trying a test code it always shows an error stated "MSVCP120D.dll is missing. Try reinstalling the system." Do you know what to do.

    PS. I am using VS express 2012
  20. do we have to do this EVERY TIME we start a new project?