OSX Automator: NEF to JPEG Screencast

Author: ospresso
23605 View
3m 29s Lenght
242 Rating

Screencast demonstration of creating an OSX anutomator task for converting RAW NEF image files to JPEG.


  1. Love this! Thank you!
  3. Thank you so much!
  4. work like a charm! thank you!
  5. Thank you so much!
  6. Thank you, big help , simple way! much appreciated!
  7. Thanks!! Best way to change raw to jpeg.
  8. clutch
  10. Boss
  11. Tks u so much!
  12. Clear instructions and stelar process. Thank you!
  13. thank you
  14. Thank you!!!
  15. Thank you very much.. :)
  16. Even if I use my Mac in french, i could easily find my way, thnaks to this post. Thanks to you , and thanks to Mac who made it simple....
  17. the shit right here. if i could pay you i would !
  18. thanx mate it was really helpful even for newer version of mac
  19. thank you very much!!
  20. Awesome time saver!! Thank you for making this video!