Progressive Web Apps across all frameworks - Google I/O 2016

Author: Google Chrome Developers
42564 View
43m 9s Lenght
617 Rating

Addy Osmani on Progressive Web Apps across all frameworks. Progressive Web Apps can be built using any JavaScript library or framework, whether it's React, Angular 2.0, Ember or Polymer. In this talk, we'll dive into how to craft offline, lightning fast web apps using these solutions. Learn how to take advantage of Service Workers, Server-side Rendering and an application "shell" architecture to optimize for first meaningful paint, fast-first load and repeat visits. Watch more Chrome talks at I/O 2016 here: See all the talks from Google I/O 2016 here: Subscribe to the Chrome Developers channel at #io16 #GoogleIO #GoogleIO2016


  1. Nice Talk Addy!
    Do you consider yourself the best programmers in javascript?
    if not, is obvious that you are awesome, what you recommend me to be super good in javascript?
    Thanks for your time!
  2. Is there a way to move Xamarin app to a PWA? I'm thinking no, but given VSTO/etc. wondering if there is a way to port efficiently?
  3. great talk
  4. Nice presentation on Google I/O . Thanks for sharing Addy.
  5. Addy I am facing slow time to first paint on repeat visits. I am code splitting app.js(123kb) and vendor.js(1.24MB)using webpack for React app. On page reload the app shell is not rendering instantly, is this due to not inlining css styles in the header?
  6. what happens if user clicks x on add to homescreen banner. will the banner never appear again? Also, what happens if user does add to homescreen but later removes the homescreen icon, will the add to homescreen banner reappear?
  7. great talk... I couldn't sleep because of thinking at all the optimizations. Just wondering one thing. Sometimes I have the habit to put the state of the first request in the head of the page and then rendering on the client side (so without server DOM rendering): isn't this approach good for reducing bundle size?
  8. Ionic 2 or NativeScript?
  9. Really interesting, plenty for me to try out here! Thanks for sharing!
  10. Awesome.
  11. +Google Chrome Developers +Polymer You guys are not much aggressive towards open issues in Material design components nowadays. Issues are not taken care. Saw couple of important issues open from long time.
  12. wow. awesome and insightful talk!
  13. Do all Major mobile browsers( safari, firefox, opera) support all the PWA features?
  14. A seriously good talk. Cross-browser, cross-library, universally nice!
  15. This was one of the best talks I attended in person at I/O this year. An in-depth comparison and practical viewpoint to get people started with web apps. Is it possible to link all the apps you have made using different frameworks - may be a github link to see the codebase?
  16. Awesome talk! It really feels good to know that our existing app(framework) can leverage PWA features. It will be really nice if you cud share the react app
  17. Hi Addy, thank you for this talk, it's good to see how React, Angular and Ember are working with the Universal web, there's about one year I'm working with VanillaJS and I'm literally waiting to see these frameworks getting mature, cause I think the bundle are too big to deliver too little.

    I'm grad you also think Indexed DB API should be burned, this is true, this API is the Nirvana of the word "Complicated", and Service Worker caches API Requests much easier, but IDB has it's use cases, but relying on an abstraction to work with it, and perhaps a huge 100kb abstraction is sad. I'd like to see abstractions that are close to 10kb or less
  18. I hope AngularJS 2.0 Final released soon so many people will use it
  19. I have no idea wtf he is talking about... what is a fucking progressive webapp????? what the fuck do you mean by an offline webapp, that makes no sense so maybe you should start by explaining that first?