Providing Value As A Startup - Geek Sexy News LIVE - Mar 17

Author: Eli the Computer Guy
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CLICK HERE TO TIP AND ASK QUESTION: JOIN GEEK SEXY NEWS and Ask UNLIMITED Questions: Go to NOW for latest news that's Geek Sexy!!! SPONSORS: The Tech Academy (Online Coding Bootcamp): Veeam (Free Backup Software): Icy Dock (Hard Drive Enclosures): IT Creations (New and Refurbished Servers): NordVPN (Highly Secure VPN): Dev Mountain (Developer Bootcamp): Gillware Data Recovery (Data Recovery Partner Program): Plixer (Netflow Analytics): INE (Online IT Training): **** TODAYS SHOW:


  1. susan wakakakakakakaka....excellent! fucking excellent! hahaha.
  2. It would be great to see a Geek Sexy News mobile app!
  3. Eli i dont give fuck i think you are excellent keep it up
  4. videos havnt been showing up recently
  5. I like the possibility of a change to sites name
  7. One problem with any certification is that once it becomes popular, then the field becomes overcrowded. Back in 1995 and MCSE was worth a lot of money, but after a while it became too common.
    Likewise, community colleges and ITT Tech and state rehabilitation agencies all need to try to get jobs for people who have limited or no skills. So they will spend a lot of money to train someone on a field that has no jobs.
  8. This guy must be bill nyes cousin
  9. hi Eli, can you tell me the name of the all books you have behind you at all time.
  10. Eli, defining milk toasts? From my experience a Milk Toast is someone who fails to challenge what they are told to think and behaves accordingly -> stand in line for your next Iphone, have a free bucket of beer on a Tuesday morning, follow yet another hash tag. Yes but if their were no milk toasts and everyone had your F-EU punk rock personality, exactly who would we have left to work in IT Customer Support? 
    My suggestion for a Geek Sexy News article/s : 10 questions a Digital
    Startup must ask before they even think about starting up. Question 1, are you a Milk Toast?
  11. Harcker proof servers... Pleeeeeeeeeease get on shark tank or Dragons Den, pleeeease
  12. Milk toast's soft blandness served as inspiration for the name of the timid and ineffectual comic strip character Caspar Milquetoast, drawn by H. T. Webster from 1924 to 1952.[7] Thus, the term "milquetoast" entered the language as the label for a timid, shrinking, apologetic person.
  13. I think a lot of what eli mentions is practical advice and not just abstract theories. What works today for people? Not vcrs! Why spend 100$ for a repair when it costs a third to buy it brand new again. This has been the effect of China' s 25cent labor force on competition in the USA. When you start a business you have to compete. I can buy a full length mirror made in china for 10$. Why should I spend ten times that on a "smart" mirror. Investments have risk due to obsolescence and competition. Example of this is samsung vs apple.
  14. I adore u. Thank you
  15. whats the point of your videos? mostly useless bla bla. if you have to say something,bring it to the point and dont talk around bull eyes for 5 min. same with your other video from sxsw afterwards,, 13min crap talk without any useful info. get something across man....
  16. I would pay good money to watch Eli snarkily rip apart Youtubers and give his opinion on Youtube culture.
  17. 45:45 PR people (for sponsorships) don't care that much about the size.
    More important for them is the *brand IMAGE* they connect their business to (via the sponsorship).
    The name "Silicon Discourse" generates a much more desirable brand image than the name Geek Sexy News.
    At least 100 times more desirable image.
  18. The funny thing is..... even in this whole technology is EVERYWHERE age and you would think EVERYONE would know how to.... lets say.... swap out a hard drive or snap in a memory chip.... EVERYONE is STILL pretty much IDIOTS!!! lol. I started with Commodore64 and it was YEARS before I even met anyone else who actually had a computer at home. Well here we are in 2017 and the # of people I know with computers has indeed raised, but the # of people who can crack open the case and do anything inside it is.... well.... risen by 1. I know 1 other person who can actually do shit inside a case. I do agree that opening up a brick and mortar store to repair shit is probably not gonna be very "cost effective" but you can still make a living fixing computers and will be able to for a while yet. The "general public" are still mostly morons when it comes to this stuff.