Recover Data From Black Armor NAS Drive

Author: The Cell Phone Geek
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19m 10s Lenght
20 Rating Recover Data From Black Armor NAS Drive Difficulty: Moderate The Cell Phone Geek's Social Stuff (Follow Me Elsewhere): ---------- Deals Computer Discounts Video Games Deals --------------- NEWS


  1. hi anyone can help me how to mount the image disk
  2. Hi!! Thanks for this video tutorial!! I have NAS 110 with a fried board and need to recover my data. Quick question: do you know where can I get the SATA to USB converter and what are the specification for the power adpated? Once again thanks!! 
  3. Did you try the warranty on your BlackArmor 110, it has a 3 Year Warranty. I'm creating the image right now, The drive is 2 GB I hope if fits on a 1 TB since there was only a 800Mb used.
  4. that is what I need. But video solutişon not enough for watching (I can not read any thing) I got Black armour Nas 220(2+2:4 tb with raid 0) someone deleted some my folders. ı would like to try bur need better solution video.
  5. actually, while this works great for burning the image, I wasn't actually able to look at the files without running the recovery software (the drive had bad boot sectors or something.)

    Anyways, I go throught the recovery stuff, takes 6 hours, but it works, then they say I need to pay to go further.  Cost?  250$.....

    I ended up going with NAS Recovery.  It cost 100$ which is still pretty rich but it was very fast at identifying and letting me preview files.   Pretty solid software.  Sort of sucks though because I will never use it again....
  6. Dude you are a boss.  I was having a hell of a time figuring out how to do this.  Thank you so much.
  7. Hi Joe Thanks for sharing your video, But i guess mounting the HDD in linux OS would have been a time saver.