Repair 0KB file in Windows 7

Author: VUAMS
17134 View
2m 30s Lenght
23 Rating

Note: this video tutorial is for VU-AMS files only! Please got to for VU-AMS related questions.


  1. I was recording video to an sd card in an older phone I use only for such recordings. The phone dropped and hour in and battery fell out. When I restarted the video was listed with a default date-based title, but read 0 bytes. It's an .mp4 file.

    I downloaded VU-DAMS & followed all your instructions. There are six FOUND.000 files. I renamed them with the extension but they will not play on VU-DAMS or VLC. However, in the file properties NOW they read as large files, one with 36.4MB and another with 15.1MB! There HAS TO be a way to make these at least audible! I really only need the audio from these files - yes, the video camera was being used but only to record a conversation - the phone was laying flat on a table. PLEASE help! Thank you.
  2. Thank you soooo much I cried when it recovered my assignment
  3. Thank U for the video . I have a USB flash drive which I use for recording tv programs . But today , when I wanted to transfer the folders and files to my pc I saw all the files are gone . The folders exist but the files within them are gone . The folders show 0 kb. what should I do ?
  5. Thank you very much :) Works on Syma x5c ! :)
  6. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G !!! <3
  7. windows can not find FOUND.000
  8. Thanks! This is exactly what I needed!