Review: Kingston DataTraveler Locker+ G3 Encrypted USB Flash Drive with Automatic Cloud Backup

Author: JuanBagnell
5352 View
9m 44s Lenght
48 Rating

Protecting your data out in the field, we often rely on software, but for smaller, more portable devices like flash drives, a little hardware encryption can do your data good. Here's our review of Kingston's newest password protected USB flash drive! Shop the Locker G3+ on Amazon: More info on Kingston Products: Save 10% on a Loot Crate by using promo code "SGLOOT" at checkout! Shop for electronics using the following link on Amazon to support our site and reviews at no additional cost to you: -------------------------------------- Official site: Examiner Profile: Juan Carlos Bagnell on Google Plus - Juan Carlos Bagnell on Twitter - Juan on Instagram -


  1. Why tecnology in flashdrive into memoryin mobolie Oor phone
  2. I prefer datashur due to the fact it cant be hacked with any software because the pass is entered on the usb not on the pc
  3. Hi Juan! I notice this great video is from 2015. Is this still the drive to get or has better one come out? Looking for an encrypted Drive. thx Joe
  4. YOu mentioned arround 5:38 that it gets nuked. In the prompt it says permanently. Lets say the original owner got it back after it was "nuked" woudl they be able to use it again?
  5. total piece of shit drive - the drive , not you reviewer
  6. is protected data safe on the cloud?
  7. i have a older DTVP that will work on a windows machine, nut the .exe will not run on my mac, is there a way i can disable the password side of it, so it will work as a standard usb memory stick ?
  8. I've bought this, however before turning on cloudsync I would like to know if it encrypts the data or can run through a service like Boxcryptor or private alternatives.
  9. NSA approuved 
  10. Please what would you advise me to get if I'm wishing a secured external hard drive and somehow compact ?
    Thanks :)
  11. Man your great tech guy thumbs up.