Serenity Recovery | Music Exploration

Author: Serenity
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2m 39s Lenght
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At Serenity Recovery, one of the most beneficial aspects of our treatment program is the wide variety of options that we offer to our patients. We have several core program options, which form a solid foundation in recovery, and build off of that with the various supplemental group sessions that we offer. In these supplemental courses, patients learn different tools and skills that will help them to remain clean and sober when they graduate their individualized program and transition into their new role as functioning members of society. These additional program options also give the patients an opportunity to see the concepts that they learn in their core program selection in practical application, preparing them to practice those principles in daily life. One of the more popular supplemental group options that we offer our patients is the Music Exploration class. Music is one of those universal languages that all people can understand and relate to. Certain sounds, melodies, tempos, tones, and harmonies resonate within each of us, and even when a song has lyrics that are in a different language, most people can understand the emotions and message that the song is trying to convey. Music is one of those magical things that connect us with each other on a deeper level. This personal connection is what Music Exploration facilitator Justin Black tries to harness. “People, a lot of times, look for a place to fit in,” he explains. “I basically make the music class a place where everybody can be safe in a judgment-free zone. Everyone likes music, and that’s a place where we can all be together.” What many people think of Music Therapy as, people sitting in a circle pounding drums or holding hands singing songs, isn’t really what the Serenity Recovery Music Exploration group is about. Justin understands that it is more about the feelings and emotions that music can give us. For some, that actually is playing guitar or singing. For others, it might be dancing or performing light shows. Still others might find the creative process of songwriting to be their chosen outlet. “When I was younger, I used to do drugs and go to raves, and that’s where I started spinning lights,” Jake A. says about his participation in the Music Exploration group. “I realized that you don’t need drugs to enjoy music. It’s helped me make a different connection to music. Music therapy has helped me break that boundary and realize that I can do things sober, and enjoy them with much more fulfillment than with any drug.” At Serenity Recovery, we strive to offer our patients the most thorough and effective treatment program that we possibly can. With the wide variety of core program options and supplemental groups, our patients are able to find the path to recovery from addiction that will be most effective for their individual needs. Additionally, since our treatment strategy is based on results, we do not have any 30-, 60-, or 90-day timeframe, which encourages our patients to explore any of our options that they would like to and allows them to work through their program at their own pace. This creates a confidence in their sobriety and an understanding of the personal responsibility that they hold in their sobriety. They find the ability and strength within to create a brighter future for themselves and their loved ones. If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction call us today: 1.844.405.7965 Visit us on the web: Check out our blog: Serenity | Rehabilitation Center Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506


  1. My daughter was able to do this class when she was at Serenity. She really enjoyed being able to go to those classes. The art and therapy classes really helped get through her program. She loves going to shows and the music therapy class has helped her to be able to go to those shows and not get high while she's there. I'm glad she can still go to the shows and enjoy herself. I'm also extremely relieved that I don't have to worry about her getting high when she goes to them.
  2. Music is such a good thing. I love music, I listen to music like all the time, I wake up to music, and it always makes me starts my day happy ans powerful. So I can just imagine the effect it has in a theraphy. It sound really awesome to use this in a rehab to help people express tehmselves, their feelng and emotions, that is just really fricking amazing. I really love how they do like performances and stuff, that is awesome too. I would totally choose it if I were ever had to choose between therapies. Music is suoer close to me so I can totally realte. Those light shows are really nice too, very nice visuals, I think even the people who are watching their show must have fun, and turn off a bit their mind and enjoy a bit, and let their emotions out. I think this is a really nice thing what they do,mthat they have such a modern program or theor if you will, available at thise particular rehab facility. I think the modern approach is really needed these days, and actually music is not even that modern, it has been a way of exprssion for thousands of years, but the theraphy is modern and I really like the idea of it. This place rocks!
  3. I love this. Music is so important to me in my life and I really really believe that music can be very therapeutic. It is also true that for these patients they often connect music and concerts, etc., to drugs. I think having a music exploration class like this one, with so many different aspects of music explored, can really help the patients break that connection to drugs and realize what music is and what it can mean for them in a sober life. And also that they don't have to be musicians to benefit from music, they can explore their own creativity in so many different ways, as well as just by listening to the music and figuring out what it means to them. I like the story told by the patient in this video as well. Seems like this is exactly the results they want to see from this class.
  4. This is so cool. I couldn't play an instrument to save my life. When you see a bunch of people clapping along to a song and there's that one person that's just so out of sync it's almost sad. Yeah, I'm that person. I do however love music and being able to go to a music therapy class and not have to embarrass myself would be amazing. It makes the class more available to people like me who couldn't shake a tambourine and by doing that makes it so much more helpful.
  5. Music is just a really important part of life. There is really music everywhere and ususally music is associated with happines and joy. When one is velebrating than there is music, so having this class available must lift the spirits of people, and they probably are enjoying a great deal of this class. And they even take it a spet further, light shows and performances and they even write their own songs! This place is already way better and so much different from other conventional rehab centers because of their attitude they have towards people. Evryone is an individual and everyone needs ceratin programs and certain counselings and certain help, not everyone is the same. They really look at you as a person and not just some number. I can so agree with the attitude they give towards addiction, that they get the person to dug deep, look inside what caused the probelm. Ake the person to confront the situation and than actually take responsibility for theirmactions and for th situations. That right there is a huge thing, cause if one is able to do that than they will be able to control their actions and say no when it is needed, and not reach for the drug, cause they will know the consequences. I think that they are doing a really great job at this facility as regards to the detox and rehab, they really handle the core reason, and I want to congratulate you for all your achivements so far!
  6. This is very good. I think that is great that they give these kind of different classes in a Recovery center. I am pretty sure that it is fun and besides i am sure it helps people with their recovery process. It is nice that this guy had such a nice realisation from it. I think that it is also really cool taht they perform and do light shows and what not, that must be a whole loadof fun! I used to love to do these kind of oerformances, that is just so much fun. Probably it lifts their spirit and why not use it in a rehab, i think that it is a great idea, and this educator is very creative to add a bit of extra and spice up the things,, at least the guys are occupied there.
  7. awesome