Author: Lord Helseth
5289 View
21m 15s Lenght
201 Rating

A VLOG VERY SCRIPTED (jk u know my vods are never scripted) i rly regret not adding music doe.


  1. ill be watching you fail in smite

    good luck pleb
  2. "ProGamer"..... what is that? A bunch of some gaming junkies sitting the whole day in a dark chamber?
  3. yo helseth good video, I pretty much agree w everything you said, but I'm kinda struggling finding a new game to play. Kinda moved on from gw2 I just reach plat once a season and battlerite has no players. What made you guys start playing smite what aspects of it made your pvp senses tickle I only tried it out when it came out and im not really a fan of tower defense moba and thats what it was at the time..
  4. Helseth, play Super Smash Bros Melee competitively. You'll never be able to play any other game the same again.
  5. lmao!!! "I was good at seducing your mother" about spit my drink up! good shit man, keep up your content!
  6. 5:10 - had to turn it off right there because the hypocrisy was oozing already.
  7. "dont play shit builds" says the one guy played powershatter seriously in top tier tourneys for a long time when it wasnt viable pre hot ;))
    (ok mesmer didnt have any viable build at this time, but not viable is not viable right? change class next time pleb! muha jk)
  8. Will be hard being a pro gamer in Smite or any other real esport, there was no competition on gw2, so ez bucks .
  9. Can't wait for next video.
  10. oooo lurd plebseth made video ... clicked instantly ... whatsup man how r u ? ....
  11. 1:48 Oh... And in GW2 you would've called it: ''portal bug''. LMAO. No excuse now.
  12. plain and simple its called LIFE
  13. Smite is a small game compared to CS, dota or LoL . If you actually want big money your team should gravitate towards the biggest esports titles .
  14. We need more talking video like this !
  15. Very informative shit there. Ty Helseth..
  16. This applies on more things than just becoming a helseth
  17. Actually came here to find out what you have to say about becoming a programmer,

    still, not disappointed. good vid!
  18. This game is fairly dead compare to other moba or fps. Don't think it is worth to put up much time to get better. Even if you become world champion, the price is so pathetic
  19. Can I be a programmer too?