Toshiba Hard Drive Data Recovery

Author: ACS Data Recovery
5597 View
29m 29s Lenght
37 Rating

If you need professional data recovery services, be sure to visit our website at or call 1-800-717-8974 to see how we can help you. In this case we received a hard drive out of a laptop that had been dropped. And by dropped, we mean accidentally left on the roof of a car, and then it slid down onto the pavement as they drove down the road. After getting the hard drive repaired, we then used our deepspar imager (you can find more information at and also our PC3000 system to fully recover the data from the drive. If you have any questions about our data recovery services, please don't hesitate to contact us.


  1. "Click to watch"LMAO
  2. people's logic, priceless data but no backup. you need at least 2 backup if it is priceless.
  3. 20:25 "Defects in G-List: 557"
    Isn't that quite a lot? That wouldn't be out of the ordinary for the plist, but seeing that in the glist is something I'm not used to.

    Also sort of funny seeing an ST3000DM001 as the destination.
  4. cool video, but not the ideal way to use DE. copy prior creating the image. Did you just pickup PC3000?
  5. hi acsdata... thanks for beautiful videos ... I am facing a issue ... can you guys plz help me here
  6. Had a 250 GB one like this, it got bad sectored to buggery!!!!
  7. Keep recording these kind of videos. They are very interesting.